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Surya's pov

As the usual alarm rung in my iPhone, I slowly opened my eyes while searching my phone on the side table, it was 5 am in the morning. I am not a heavy sleeper and usually be punctual in everything. As I woke up, I wore my shirt, washed my face , did my morning routine and went out for my morning run. I started this routine from my early age, when I was in India. I do these morning runs to look at the natural habitat and for the morning Misty air that brushes through my whole body when I run. I tried to involve my siblings in these but they won't wake up this early.. thinking those days, a small smile appeared on my face.

After that I came to my apartment, a two bedroom flat with seperate bathrooms in each room, a kitchen, a living space, balcony attached to the master bedroom and a guest room with attached bathroom. For one person, this is a really big house. As the Owner of my own company, I can live in a villa but is that really necessary? An absolute NO!!. I like to do my own chores from cooking to cleaning and do not depend on anyone. I cook everyday and clean the house at weekends. Taking a shower I got ready for today. Today I had a meeting with one of our suppliers. So after preparing my breakfast and having it, I wore my suit and went to my garage to start my day.

After the meeting, I was speaking with various other people who are responsible for my new branch in Hyderabad, India. As the construction of the restaurant is completed and is waiting for my arrival to open it. I decided to give the responsibility of this branch to my brother Rajesh as I found him suitable for the position and when I offered it, he was happy to accept it.

This week I am going to my home in India to do the necessary works. I have already bought all the gifts for everyone in the family and asked my PA John to book tickets. After a long time I am going to visit my family. It's been 4months I have last seen them. With all these information in my head, the day ended peacefully with few other meetings with my staff.

I packed all my things including my office stuff as I planned to stay there for the next 4 weeks. My flight is around 9 in the evening tomorrow, so I asked John to reschedule all my meetings after 4 to next week. So that gives me time to go back to my apartment, pack my remaining stuff and go to the airport to start my journey.

I started my day early today, as I am way too happy to go home. I completed all my scheduled meetings before 4 and went home, got ready, took my luggage which is 1 trolley with one backpack, went to the airport and boarded on my flight. It was a long journey, I took two more flights to reach Hyderabad airport. As soon as I landed, took my luggage and went searching for my brothers who were supposed to pick me up. I saw Rajesh and Chandhu waiting for my arrival eagerly . I went to them, hugged both of them at the same time. I missed them a lot.

"How are you Anna", asked chandhu smiling. I replied that I am good and asked about his wellness. At the same time I noticed that Rajesh is not smiling much and he seems.. uncomfortable or to say he looks a bit hurt..

After Chandhu went to load my luggage in the trunk, I went near Rajesh and asked "Arey Rajesh, what happened to you?"

"What's with me? I'm good as always" he said smiling, trying to hide something from me..

"Good?, Ok then", I said but I would get back to him again if I see him sad again. I have whole 4 weeks bro.

From Hyderabad airport to our Village, it takes almost two and a half hours. Through out the travel, Chandhu who is 22 was continuously speaking about his new internship at an MNC and Surya was happily listening to him, though he has told all of these already in their daily phone calls. But still Rajesh is silent, he is usually silent but today it's way too much. Surya was also noticing him all the way to their home.

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