Chapter 56 - Andrew

Start from the beginning

Cain himself was nearly hit and stumbled out of the way as another ball came flying at his head.

"Stop!" Cain ordered the servants, who ceased their tossing. Then he eyed the dryad, who looked more tired than he'd ever been in his entire life. Whatever spell Andrew had used, it was draining the energy from the creature. They didn't have much time.

In a low voice, he leaned in. "Can you still manage?"

The dryad nodded, and they watched as the army finally came within reach. Then the creature faded into the shrubbery and unleashed chaos.

Yes, the shields protected them from above but did nothing from below as roots ripped upward, dragging the formation down and breaking holes in the wall. As soon as there was a big enough gap, Cain signaled for the servants to continue throwing bombs again, but that was when the knights completely broke form and rushed the trees. Some had bows aimed at the servants, others tossed bombs similar to the ones they used.

This normally would have been no problem because the dryad would make sure the trees would defend them from above, but he noticed they were not reacting as fast as they did last time, allowing men to make it beyond the border and quickly overwhelm the servants.

"Shroud them!" Cain shouted to the dryad, then was sent flying through the trees until he smashed harshly against the side of a large oak.

He plopped to the ground and gasped for air, then slowly got back up to his knees to see that Andrew had gotten off his horse and body-slammed him.

Realizing he had no choice but to fight now, Cain got to his feet, then snatched one of the passing knights who had gotten passed the tree line and snapped his neck. From there he made sure to break as many arms, or legs as he could get his hands on, if not at least punching dents in the enemy's armor. Then when he and his half-brother were face to face with no one between them anymore, they paused for the briefest of moments before swinging away.

Cain's first thought was to end it quickly by forcing him from the trees with one great blow, but quickly learned that wasn't going to happen as his brother was able to somehow match his ungodly strength.

He must have learned that Cain had the pearl's power. Perhaps he'd used his connections with the Crown Prince to get his own pearl? Whatever the source, this was a fistfight now, and blow after blow reigned down as the two of them fought.

Shouts, explosions, and the clang of metal could all be heard within the once-serene forest. Luckily Cain's training had come in handy as he parried Andrew's blows and did his best to knock the man off his feet.

As for the armies, it was more of a fight between the knights and the trees. There were only a dozen servants prepared to toss bombs and swing swords, and they knew better than to fight an army this large with what little supplies they had. Once the forest border was breached, they were under orders to retreat.

A scream to his right distracted Cain, who spotted not one but two servants falling to the knights blades. This left an opening, and Andrew took it by sending Cain flying once again.

Rolling across the forest floor, he reached out and clawed at the roots till he stopped and glanced up through blurry eyes. He'd trained in swords and martial arts but didn't think he'd fight anyone of equal strength aside from Maddox. This was not in his plans.

He watched Andrew approach as he grabbed his now-burning ribs and gasped for air. This was when he heard a particularly loud snarl. Out from behind him, Catalina emerged in her true form, with fangs and claws bared as she bounded for Andrew. She took one last leap, aiming her claw at the man's throat, when the man made a dismissive gesture with his arm, causing Catalina to disappear into a puff of smoke.

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