chapter 41

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Ominis's POV

Lost! that's the only feeling I was experiencing right this moment. The sounds around me were rather foreign, the sound of my Taia being the only familiar voice I could manage to relate to right about now.

My legs stung yet again, the area where the burn had taken place moments before I was tossed into a tornado of dizziness finally sinking in. Marvolo had to be stopped, I knew Taia had done something grand in order for us to escape, considering he was no longer here.

Where is here exactly? 

I held my wand tighter trying to trace the shadows of my surroundings, it all seemed new and unfamiliar. Had she really succeeded in opening the time portal? What other explanation could there be? surly she could not apparat with in Hogwarts grounds. right?

So many questions clouded my judgment when a voice suddenly broke my concentration.

"Taia what the hell are you doing in here? Oh my life! Why do you look like that? and who is he?" The feminine voice sounded rather upset. I could feel Taia's body shaking next to me, her breathing getting harder as she whispered the name I often heard her tell me stories about.

"Ella..." Her words traveled with the wind as she dashed over to the figure full force taking her into her arms.

She really did it.

The pain I was feeling but seconds ago dulled with the realization of what this truly meant. She had established such a feast in such a short time, I was starting to lose hope at some point, content with the fact that I could still hold her and love her in my state, but now there is a chance. My hand dropped the wand fast tucking it into my pocket, aware that it would raise many questions in this current situation.

After all this was not the 1800's, this was not Hogwarts, And this definitely felt like the muggle world because the essence of magic was almost deprived of my surroundings.

I stood there awkwardly hearing the soft sobs Taia was producing in the arms of her confused sister, if what she had told me about time travel was true. then her sister would probably think she had been here the whole time.

"Taia, What has gotten into you? you are making me worried" Ella's voice sounded softer than before. I had no clue what was happening around me now, as I relayed on the shuffling of clothes and feet of the siblings.

I knew I had no right to break this moment, a moment I'm sure my beloved had been waiting for.

Taia's POV

"I missed you Ella" Was All you could say as you clung to her body shaking uncontrollably. the sensation of being here was far too unreal for the reality to sink in yet. 

"Did you hit your head or something? I just saw you yesterday!" Ella's voice came out in a startled question, she sounded utterly confused.

You took a deep breath and let go of her, she was right. to her no time has passed since she had last seen you, even though the time in the world kept moving, her memories of you were all altered by the time portal.

You contemplated what to say, or how to explain the situation to her without exposing the truth about what you had been doing for the last couple of months, that's when Ominis's voice rang through the room trying to save you.

"I think she meant she is glad to see you not busy with work" he said in a small voice afraid of her reaction.

"Yeah exactly, that's what I meant" you chuckled nervously casting your eyes downward only to be met with the horrifying sight of your once blue dress covered in dirt and ash.

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