Chapter 28

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In the quiet sanctuary of your now shared bedroom, a soft golden light seeped through the slightly ajar curtains, casting a gentle glow on the both of you as you were entwined in a cocoon of warmth and tranquility.

An array of emotions fluttered across Ominis's face, his eyes reflecting a storm brewing in the depths of his soul. 

His heart pounded like a solitary drummer against the cage of his chest, producing a rhythm of anxiety that contradicted the serenity of the room. as the night seemed to drag on, the looming shadows of the weekend was hastily approaching.

The promised meeting, planting worry and nerves in the depths of his soul.

Ominis sighed again, his head buried in the depth of your luscious black hair. snuggling ever so slightly closer to you, while his lips parted slowly grazing the soft skin of your neck. as he sighed away in the silence of the darkness that enveloped the bedroom in utmost eeriness.

You felt the erratic rhythm of his heartbeat against your chest, each throb a testament to his nerves. His breaths were shallow, uneven, as if he was struggling to draw air into his lungs.

You felt him let out yet another sigh again, this time his hands tightening around your waist, worried that this would be the last time he would feel this blessed.

"Ominis.." You whispered his name softly and reassuringly, Tenderly, you shifted your position, pulling yourself up to look into his eyes.

Your fingers, warm and soft, gently traced the lines of worry etched on his forehead, your touch a soothing balm against the storm raging within him. your gaze was steady, a beacon of calm amidst his turmoil.

"I'm worried Taia.." he said in a low tone. The nerves eating away at his every word as they cascaded from his parted lips.

In the silence that followed, you whispered words of comfort, your voice a gentle lullaby in the stillness of the night hoping to present him with serenity.

The words spun a tapestry of reassurance, each thread woven with affection and understanding.

You moved one hand to the top of his head. Weaving in your fingers in the softness of his beautiful golden locks and tugging at it gently, before you brushed the feather like strands away, hoping the motion would ease his worries. And grant him a sense of tranquility.

He hummed softly. Dragging his hands from your waist to the small of your back. Almost clawing at your nightgown as he pulled you even closer.

"It will be alright love. I will stand with you no matter what my grandfather says, so please relax a little bit. I'm the one getting worried over you now" you murmured kissing his head, before moving his face away from your neck and making him face you.

His once bright happy face was dimmed with the anxiousness he had contracted himself with.

He sighed again before moving his head forward resting his forehead against yours. And closing his eyes relishing the moment, before the storm of furry that is your grandfather, rained on your new found happiness.

"I'm sorry Taia, you know there is a big chance he might refuse this engagement. What if he asks me to break up with you?...I can't - I can't even.." you cut him off placing your fingers on his lips silencing him from his rant.

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