Chapter 7

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but like why is he so hot hmm...
I was on vacation last week sorry loves for the late update

I promise this chapter is longer!!!


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Chapter 7

You made your way out of the undercroft and into the DADA tower going downstairs in hopes of making your way back to your dorm.

All the while trying to think of any reason why he could have acted that way with you.

You thought he trusted you enough to tell you about his secret spot. but maybe that was all in your head. Maybe you had thought wrong about his little touches and smiles that seemed to give you confidence.

You noticed that it was late at night, considering the halls were secluded of any student that usually hung about here gossiping and socializing. You sighed and glanced down at your watch seeing it was late at night 'almost 10pm' you thought to yourself when all of a sudden you heard a yell.

"Hey I think I heard a voice over there!" A person shouted from around the corner and you daunted in realization about the type of situation you were left in.

'Shit that must be a prefect!'

You guessed as you looked around trying to find an escape route where you wont get caught. After all, going back to the undercroft was out of the question now!!'

Your eyes darted everywhere trying to run for it, when all of a sudden you heard ragged panting and footsteps rushing behind you.

'Ah no he found me already curse my luck!' you whined internally not thrilled about getting detention on your first week of school.

"Taia are you still there ?" an all too familiar voice asked with his wand pointing around trying to disfigure his surroundings.

The moment you turned around the disappointment you were feeling a moment ago turned to one of shock!. There he stood, his hair messy from the attempted run almost flying round aimlessly. While his jacket hung over his shoulder revealing his vest.

'Ominis Gaunt' in all of his glory stood there searching for you.

Confusion decorated your blue hues, while your lips slowly turned up ever so slightly. Despite the tainted words he thrashed at you not that long ago. 'What was he doing here?' you amusingly thought.

"Oi I'm sure I heard a voice!! Come this way!!!" The voice rang again seemingly trying to get his other company to help him locate the strays.

You cursed and turned to face him preparing to halt whatever it is he wanted to say and try and escape before you both got into trouble.

"We need to hide!! the prefects are going to look for us!!...Oh no, I think the voice is coming from the stairs on top of the undercroft! So we can't go back there! Umm...uh... OH.. let's go this way!" You moved closer to him and clasped your fingers around his hand that held the wand tugging at him as he stumbled forward.

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