Chapter 18

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You heaved a sigh when you stood in front of the painting in the abandoned castle. Happy you were finally alone and far away from the shattering feeling that was holding you hostage near Ominis.

A distraction! You needed it to take your mind off of what you were experiencing now. And who ever this Scrope was would have to wait until you figured out what was so haunting at this painting. 

You stared at it for sometime. thinking that this has to be Isidora's painting, and if this was her house. Then there must have been something kept here, that would help you understand this magic a bit more.

You turned around looking through the destroyed building, and finally remembering to cast revelio. watching as some stones sat around a broken door blocking the entry way.

'hmm someone must have placed this here for a reason. but why?' you thought as you pulled out your wand casting Diffindo. making the rocks fall and spread everywhere.

Revealing some basement that was hidden away from prying eyes. 

'hm interesting' you kicked at one of the rocks. mostly taking out your own frustration at it. making your way down into the dark room carefully.

"Lumos" you whispered holding your wand up discovering the area more expandingly. 

'Who ever left this all around, seems to be looking for something bigger' you thought as you grabbed a note, that sat on a dusty table. vined with a Devil's Snare, that retracted away when the light shone from the wand on it.

Isidora's journals were scattered around the place. Thus they were not as important as you hoped they would prove to be.

Slithering your way cautiously into the room again. you found a mirror that stood alone on the wall, in the corner. 

Eyeing it suspiciously, and wondering. why was it there standing tall, and unharmed. unlike the other items in the house. you walked closer to it, finally staring at your own reflection.

Your hair was a mess from the apparition. your face looked glum, and measurable. tears stains on your pale skin while your nose shone red in contrast.

Soon though, your reflection turned into one of an image. reflecting a picture of the undercroft instead.

You concentrated on the shapes in the mirror not knowing if it was simple hallucinations or reality. 

This was oddly familiar. mirrors as passages, kept following you everywhere since your first day at Hogwarts.

"Why cant we have normal means of transportations? Is it so hard to conjure a car and make it magical?" you grumbled softly. reaching into the mirror and bracing yourself to be sucked in like the first time on the mountains.

You closed your eyes getting surrounded by the blue light. hearing whispers as you lost yourself in the passage of time.

'Taia you grew so much!'.....'Taiaineta Vermin!' ....whispers kept calling your name, until the light disappeared so suddenly. before you could form a sentence or a question.

You opened your eyes with panic, breathing heavily. feeling the energy getting slowly sucked out of you. whatever just happened made you feel light headed and weak.

'That voice sounded familiar...Who the hell was calling me?' you thought grabbing a wiggenweld potion from your pocket and drinking it hastily. before you could fall down to the ground.

You were in the undercroft, watching as the wall that once took place on the right side turned into a big frame, with doors.

Your eyes widened slightly. seeing the shapes changing, and contracting right before you.

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