Chapter 32

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You stirred around once you felt the cold air hit your body, the cocoon of warmth that enveloped you seconds ago disappearing without notice. Your hands reached out to feel for Ominis, but had felt the empty bed sheets instead.

With a groan you opened your eyes slowly, looking around the bed to find him standing next to it and putting on his clothes that were discarded on the floor from the night before.

The window peaked with a tiny bright light, the dawn rays barely visible as the sun started to rise outside.

You turned back to Ominis and sat up in bed, huddling the blankets around your body in order to feel at least a bit of warmth.

"Why are you up so early? The sun is barely even out" Your hoarse voice sounded out in a whisper, as you admired his body while he got dressed.

"I had to, otherwise the servants will know I spent the night here. and your grandfather would be quite mad about that" He said as he finished putting on his shoes and came back to sit on the bed.

"That's true I guess, It still feels weird to see you run off in the morning like this" you giggled thinking how bad that would look from an outsider's perspective.

"On a normal occasion that would be weird, but your my fiance. So rest assured I will be back again tomorrow night, and the night after that, and every night from now on" He said before he leaned in trying to find your face, and planted a kiss on your lips with a quick peck.

"I can't wait to go back to our home" You said leaning into his arms and taking him into an embrace.

"Me too love, one more night and we will be back at Hogwarts. now then I should leave before they wake up. I'll meet you at breakfast" He kissed your forehead, then got up and left the room.

You sighed with a longing look at the door, before you flipped back in bed and covered your body again. Thinking how you were going to spend this day here, with the watchful eyes of your grandpa.

Moments passed and you found yourself drifting into sleep, the world around you seemed to blend in as you gave out your will to stay awake.


A loud knock on the door woke you roughly out of your slumber. you groaned in annoyance at the continuous loud knocking before you screamed in frustration.

"What is it?" You yelled at the direction of the door, before the maid cleared her throat and spoke not daring to even open the door and meet your wrath.

"Miss vermin, breakfast will be served in thirty minutes" She said shortly before she scurried away with haste. not wanting to hear the outrage you were probably going to throw her way for waking you up like that.

You groaned again and got up from bed, looking for the night gown that you had on the night before.

Your eyes fell on the torn fabric that laid on the carpet, and a smile tugged at your lips. Remembering the dominant side Ominis showed you yesterday. Your body felt hot and your cheeks burned with embarrassment at the idea of getting riled up like that again.

You shook your head and slapped your cheeks.

"There is no time to be drooling over my man, I need to get ready!" You ran to the bathroom and took a hot shower before brushing your teeth and getting ready for the day.


Dining Hall [Vermin mansion]

Time: 8 am

You sat down in your seat waiting for your grandfather to show up so you can start eating. 

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