Chapter 11

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Just a reminder that my story includes sexual themes. foul language and extreme lemons at one point in the future. 

so I hope you navigate your way into this adventure with an open mind :)

so I hope you navigate your way into this adventure with an open mind :)

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Chapter 11

"Can I be your reason to...stay?"

Although this was the answer you had wanted to hear, it still took you by surprise to hear it coming from his own mouth.

You stared at his hands that were fidgeting in his lap, nervous from the brave display he just forced himself to show. He was not the type to let his feelings loose or uncontrolled. He knew it was a sign of weakness to show them. Yet with you, he felt empowered with every notion and word he let befall you.

"Ominis...." you trailed off hesitantly as your hands mimicked those of his own. What were your options now? To stay or to leave?

"I know that we haven't known each other for that long yet and that I'm asking a lot out of you...but I want you in my life Taia" He breathed out attempting to seem convincing in any way possible, although his voice betrayed him cracking almost at the end of his sentence.

"Then...Do you promise to stay in my life Ominis? No matter what path may lay ahead of me?...forever?" you knew what you were asking him. Although both of you danced around your feelings. The meaning behind your words was very evident. 

He was against your adventures. He was against you getting hurt! But he knew that dark wizards were after your powers. He knew he had to let you defend yourself and get stronger. Thus his stubbornness of being scared for your well being caused panic in him the last time he mentioned it. 

He put his head down rubbing his thumb over his hand in contemplation. Both his options felt very ominous at the moment. You either leave this century and go back to your world. be safe and sound from the power hungry darkness that followed you. Or stay here with him and fight for your life and safety.

"I'm scared...I don't want to lose you, and putting yourself in harms way is also not the answer I want!" He sighed with frustration. his hand moving upwards as he ruffled his hair and pushed it back.

you stared at him and smiled, he looked so cute lost in his own thoughts and conflictions. you decided to put his restlessness to ease. and pulled his hand away from the torment it was causing on his golden locks. 

Was this much physical affection alright? were you allowed to be touching his hands and body as freely as you were doing right now? after all he did call you his friend last night and nothing more.

You shook these thoughts away as you focused on the handsome boy in front of you. he seemed to be taken a back as he felt your soft hands take hold of his own. you could swear he had caught a fever from the amount of times his face turned red today, but you knew it was all your doing making you feel happy and warm inside. almost dancing in victory at concurring his walls. 

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