Chapter 34

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You woke up early again, the sun was shying away behind the horizon, and the cold breeze that circled the room caused shiveres to run down your spine. In your haze you turned around in bed watching as Ominis was fast asleep next to you, his shallow breaths was soft and melodic almost lullying you back to dreamland. you caught your self slipping again, his warmth was always so intoxicating and addicting that it almost made you lose focus from your early rise.

You placed a soft kiss on his forehead feeling him stir slightly under your lips, but sighed when he did not wake up, after all hearing a lecture this early in the morning was truly the last thing you needed.

With heavy footsteps you made your way towards the bathroom, getting ready to start your little activity for the morning. well, little was what you wanted to convince yourself with, the feast was more grand than that. 

Ever since that day in the forbidden forest you had been training like a mad woman, from raiding poachers camps to clearing dark wizards from the highlands. 

You would wake up early in the morning before classes started, and before Ominis had the time to wake up and try to convince you to take the day off or let the ministry deal with it. 

You splashed your face with water for the last time before exiting the bathroom and making your way to the dresser when a raspy voiced called out to you.

"Uh Taia...Again? Do you not get tired of doing this every morning?" he whined rubbing his hair before placing his arm over his forehead laying on his back with a thud. 

You turned around and smiled watching the frustrated grunts and displeased sighs that he let loose from his lips, he was rather adorable in the mornings and you couldn't hide the little joy you found in watching his tantrums. 

"Bad guys don't have days off love, and this is the only time I can catch them off guard too, Come on we have been through this many times Ominis" You replied getting undressed and finding your combat outfit. watching him turn in your direction his ears perking up at the sound of you undressing.

He sighed and sat up in bed his face held a sense of annoyance in its features.

"I know but It has been a month already I only agreed on this because you promised to take care of yourself and-" You cut him off not wanting this to spiral out of control once again.

"Yes and I have been, I even did as you requested and didn't kill anyone, I always end up leaving them unconscious for the Aurors to pick them up" You said gently before you started putting on your shoes.

"That is also another problem though, what if your grandfather found out about your little activities? do you think he would be happy knowing his only granddaughter is running around the highlands doing his employees job for him?" He spoke carefully, after many arguments over the past month he had given up on trying to convince you to stop but tried to persuade you nonetheless. 

You knew his words were out of worry and love but it was starting to get overwhelming for the both of you. you made your way back to the bed and sat down next to him, taking his hand in yours, daring to leave a small kiss at the back of it. 

Ominis gasped snapping his head in your direction in an instant, a ghost of a smile fought to slyther between his parted lips but he pushed it back fast, determined to keep this facade of being mad at you.

"I'm sure he would be livid but I'm doing the ministry and myself a favor, they get to lock up bad guys and I get to practice on said bad guys. It's a great deal if you ask me" You chuckled when you heard him scowl in disbelief, shaking his head and tracing his fingers over your engagement ring absentmindedly. 

"Then let me come with you...I want to feel like I'm there for you, I don't want to worry every morning if you were going to show up to breakfast in one piece, or if you got kidnapped or worse injured somewhere where I can't find you. Ever since you unlocked your full powers you have been either out fighting or had your nose in your grandmother's diaries trying to find an answer...I just..I'm worried about you Taia" His words came out in a whisper before he took hold of your arms and pushed you towards his body, engulfing you in a warm hug that brought you peace and solace in your chaotic hectic life.

"Thank you for worrying about me, but you are with me every second of the day, in my mind, in my heart, you have engraved yourself deeply in my soul, I wish I could bring you along with me but we both know that is not a good idea. you just have to keep on trusting me...I promise to always stay safe and fall back if I need to" you held his body tighter and laid your head on his shoulder hearing him sigh in defeat.


"That is the last of them" You looked around you admiring the mess you had made of the camp that stood in this place minutes ago. It certainly took longer than you had anticipated to knock them all out, with a swift motion you gathered them into one spot before casting a barrier around them.

"This out to keep you still until they come to fetch you!" you smirked before summoning your broom and getting on it calling out to your little friend. 

"Here, make sure you send this to the ministry of magic alright?" you asked your owl that you had gotten from hogsmeade about a month ago while attaching the letter to his leg. at the time you thought using the owl your grandfather had gotten you would be mostly obvious. So getting another one was the only option.

"Now then time to get back to school" you took off in a hurry, rushing towards your common room to shower and change since it was faster than getting to the room of requirements. After all you missed breakfast and did not want to miss your next class as well.


Slytherin common room {11am}

Imelda's pov

"Dante she missed breakfast again, this is your fault you know, she must be getting herself in trouble again!! did you see how upset Ominis was, he wouldn't eat anything no matter how much Sebastian tried to force him to" She glared at her brother as she walked with him towards the fireplace.

Dante chuckled before rolling his eyes at her. 

"How is that my fault? I just simply helped her enhance what she already had. She is a strong woman who is capable of taking care of herself. stop worrying about her" He said nonchalantly before he took a seat in front of the fireplace ushering for her to sit down.

"Stop worrying about her! How can I? It's enough I barely see her in here because she is with Ominis all the damn time. We should be taking care of her! we are her-" Dante glared at her and cut her off right away.

"You need to start watching your mouth Imelda! I don't know how many times you are going to let that slip in front of Taia before she realizes it, How do you think she will feel? we lied to her this whole time. not to forget how angry mother will be if she finds out! I really don't want to deal with her fury" Dante spat forgetting himself in the anger that has started to consume him. Imelda has been bothering him about this for some time now, and he was growing impatient with her.

"I don't care about what mother wants anymore!! after she made Black cancel quidditch I will never forgive her! Taia deserves to know! she is our family, she is our cousin and I want to keep her safe! that's what family does! and I know you feel the same way too, because you always glare at Gaunt and disapprove of their relationship! You care about her just like you care about me!" Imelda got loud drawing attention from the students that sat around her, some of them regarded her with annoyed looks and some ignored her tantrum as they got used to it.

footsteps were heard inching closer at a fast pace towards the two of them, shuffling against the marble floors with heavy breaths. Imelda had a second to turn around before her face went pale and her mouth dropped open.

"What the hell did you just say!" Taia's voice rang with seething anger in the common room causing Dante to snap back in surprise, horror filling his wide eyes.

"Oh shit!" He whispered.

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