Chapter 23

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"Ominis please" you pleaded again feathering small kisses on his face.

It was your last night in the hospital wing, and Ominis was laying by your side with a scowl on his face, but still holding you close to his body brushing your hair gently.

"I said no love, it's too dangerous and I can't risk it" he sternly said kissing your forehead in attempt to shush you to sleep.

You had explained to him Dante's offer, and just as you expected he rejected it right way.

"But I want to get stronger, and I'm only going to practice on spiders, I promise I won't dive deep into the forest, not until I can learn how to control this ancient magic" you sat up and hovered over him, making him raise his eyebrow in question.

"Are you using your charms on me Taia?" He whispered feeling you crawl on top of him and lay your body on his.

"Well I can't use my puppy eyes on you, so I have to resort to the next best thing" you giggled feeling his arms enclose you deeper into his chest, smelling the woodsy citric aroma that radiated off his body with glee.

Damn how much did you love and crave his scent every day.

It was like a magnet that kept pulling you towards him without much effort.

"You can't expect me to let my fiancé run off to practice with a guy she just met, and in the forbidden forest non the less!" He took a sharp breath mid sentence when he felt you push your lips in the crock of his neck.

Your nails dug into his shoulder, feeling your arousal take control over you, It was not about convincing him anymore.

No, you just wanted him to become completely yours, and he was taking his time with it. 

Saying things like 'he wanted to wait until the wedding', how old school of him truly! but you couldn't blame him.

Sure, you respected his decision! and refrained from asking him to fuck you senseless when all you could need was specifically that. not even daring to let those words escape your lips in fear of rushing him or defying his decision.

You were quick to obediently say that you will wait, much to your dismay of course. And still, you had your fingers to pleasure you when he was not there to keep you warm in the morning.

The thought of him bringing your heat to the brink, as you let the knot in your stomach release with him in mind left you temporarily satisfied.

'Fuck' you thought as you laid on him, feeling frustrated at how much you wanted to take off his clothes and claim him.

Your answer was muffled against his neck, when you tried your best not to grind on his already erected member under you shamelessly. Almost mocking you as it brushed against your panties with friction.

Ominis felt your body heat raise, his hands around you tightening more evidently as you tried hard to keep your breath consistent.

"Are you alright love?" He whispered in your ear, yeah he may be blind but he could feel the need that your body exuded into his. and the shallow inhales you took each time he shifted under you.

The topic of conversation running low in the thick of the heated moment.

"I'm alright" you managed to whisper trying your best to calm yourself down, and think of something else, other than the excruciating requisite for him to touch you in unholy places.

"Are you sure?" He tickled your ear with his lips drawing an uncouth moan out as you dug your nails deeper into his shoulder. 

The sense of shuddering rampaging in the crevasses of your pudendum teasingly, making it drip with need at the ecstasy of his voice.

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