Chapter 21

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you flipped through the pages absent mindedly.

A book that Ominis had brought you to keep you from getting bored when he wasnt there sat in your hands for decoration.

"Bring him in here, hurry up you idiot!" a voice yelled as feet shuffled into the hospital wing rapidly.

You looked up when you heard Imelda screaming at a 6th year infront of you who was supporting another injured guy on his shoulders. His feet dragging on the floor as his face twisted in pain cursing insults under his breath.

"It's not that serious Imelda! relax..." the injured guy retorted. seemingly upset with the attention she was drawing to them.

"It's serious if mother finds out about it. I guarantee you she wont let it slide this time" She glared back at him as he got laid on the bed with a thud, groaning loudly with discomfort.

Nurse blainey rushed over soon after. hearing the loud noises, only to have her eyes widen in surprise then turn into a displeasured look once she saw who came in.

"Ah Miss Reyes! Again?!" she shook her head, and walked over to them with a knowing stare, judging them silently.

"It's not my fault he is clumsy!" she smirked eyeing the injured guy next to her smugly.

His dark green eyes glared at her dangerously, his pupils darting around her face, ready to launch his arm that was almost limp on his side at her.

"Clumsy? Your stupid bludger did this to me!" he threw his wand at her with his good arm, while she dodged it, resorting in her turning in your direction. And finally noticing you.

"Ah Taia, how are you today?" she smiled and walked over to you completely ignoring the other person she brought in here with her.

He turned his gaze to you, studying your features carefully. When a sudden look of realization masked his curiosity. making him nod his head in your direction with a smile.

The notion left you preplexed for a moment but you ignored it. turning towards Imelda and putting the book down.

"Hey Imelda, I feel much better thank you. What are you doing here?" you looked between her and the other guy. noticing his gaze still lingering on you with dividens.

"Ah we were practicing for a Quiditch match, and then he got injured" She turned with a scowl at him.

"Quiditch? the game?" you asked in confusion. having only heard about it from Sebastian, and from his lengthy explanation you had lost interest half way.

"Yeah, practicing! more like you were targetting me!" He barked at her with iretation.

Imelda ignored him and could only laugh when nurse Blainey tried to touch his arm in an attempt to assess his injuries.

"Ouch!" he shrieked in agony. his eyes wide in disbelife at the pain she had inflicted on him without the slightest care.

"Ah please Mister Reyes, this is nothing compared to the patch work I have to do on you!" She shook her head walking to her station and grabbing some potions and other items.

"Mister Reyes?" you looked at Imelda waiting for her to explain what was going on. Your curiosity getting the better of you.

Who was he? And why was he looking at you with a questionable look.

It was not a look of infatuation. Or curiosity! It was a knowing look as if he knew you personally.

"Ah sorry, I fogot to introduce you! this is my brother Dante! he is two years older than me, He happens to be in the Slytherin quiditch team. Thus his skills can't compare to mine" she laughed taunting at him even more.

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