chapter 10

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After class you started heading to professor Figs office when you were stopped in the transfiguration court yard by professor Weasley.

"Miss Taia!. What a perfect coincidence!...I needed to talk to you, do you have a minute?" she ushered you to her office and let you in closing the door behind her.

You looked over to her desk and saw a house elf smiling at you warmly. you nodded towards him in acknowledgment as she made her way to him.

"come on in Miss Taia, I wanted to talk to you as of late but didn't seem to have a chance to do so lately" she pondered sitting down on the chair.

"umm in regards to what professor?" you asked feeling nervous about her finding anything out, she was rather preceptive in a way.

"This here is Deek, he has been a friend ever since I was a second year" she gestured for the house elf that stood next to her seemingly excited.

"I mentioned you to Deek, and we thought you might need extra help with your school work away from prying eyes" She said with a smile across her face.

"I'm not sure I follow professor!" you were honestly lost now. hoping she wont give you extra assignments like the rest of the professors did. you could not take any more additional homework than the ones you were already swept in.

"Not to worry. I will show you!. we need to head to the astronomy tower now and then ill explain everything to you" she motioned for you to follow her as Deek snapped his fingers and disappeared. making you even more confused to the whole ordeal.

"Would you mind telling me what are we gong to do in the astronomy tower professor?" you asked now going up the long endless stairs. while she was walking in front of you. 

"We are going to find you a place where you can study and have privacy away from prying eyes!" she said again, as she finally came to a hallway on the seventh floor stopping in front of a wall. it looked ordinary as a big painting hung on the opposite wall draping it completely. you looked around to see why in Merlin did she stop here. but found nothing that stood out to be weird or mesmerizing.  

"This is the room of requirements. Its a room that appears to the person who needs it the most. in your case I had wanted to send you here alone and make you find it but I see that its responding to your needs anyways" she said as a door started to take shape into the once still wall. it was filled with beautiful designs and engraving as it slowly opened all the way through.

"The room of requirements!...Wow I read about it before professor, Is this really it?" you said not waiting on her any longer and walking into the room excitedly. looking around you, you saw a mess of chairs, barrels and boxes laying everywhere. 

The scene reminded you of the undercroft somehow in how unorganized it was. you wondered if Ominis would let you fix it up once in a while. You walked in clearing furniture and disregarded items from the floors and paths in front of you. 

finally reaching Deek as he was looking for something in a cabinet that laid on top of cluttered furniture stacked onto each other.

"Ah you are here! Deek was looking through some of the stuff that appeared in the room since Deek was last here" He said and walked towards you again. 

"Deek thinks Miss Taia will love her new room of requirements. all you need to do is imagine the room precisely as you need it" you looked at him with skeptical feelings and questions. because if the room of requirement was truly real, it would form into anything you wanted it to be.

considering you were from a different era and time, you missed the luxury of technology and the simplicity of reaching for your remote to control anything in the house. Granted you also needed a place to brew your potions that were going to be a necessity once you started working on your powers. 

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