"To protect us from humans. We're stronger than them. We don't need protection." 

My most recent experience told me otherwise. 

"If her stupid rules weren't in place, then you would have never been captured. Without her rules we might not have to hide our abilities from humans. The issue could have been resolved long ago. The fact that we had to fight her lackies in order to save you just proves to be she's a two faced bitch. She doesn't care about you or anyone else, but herself. She only cares about what it takes to stay on top. Why should we be afraid to show anyone we come across exactly what we are?" Myra asked. 

I didn't have an answer for that. 

"For someone who is supposedly all-knowing and all-powerful, she couldn't come up with a solution for this other than making a throne for herself and sitting on top of it like a pompous piece of shit? I don't trust her. And whatever crap she spewed to you while you were talking to her is setting you up for failure. She didn't help you out because she cared about you. She took an interest in you because she sees a benefit for herself in your powers," Myra continued. 

"I think you're just angry about what happened. Authority has always rubbed you the wrong way. Everything the Supreme has done has been to help me, not hurt me. Nothing she's said has made me think it was any different," I said. 

"You just don't get it." 

Myra shook her head. I trusted my ability to judge someone's character. I was going to go with my gut and I knew Myra was sticking to hers. I didn't believe that the Supreme was as Myra portrayed her, but I couldn't help the nagging in the back of my mind. 

"I need to get out of here," she said suddenly. It was only then that I noticed she had a backpack sitting next to her. I was sure she didn't have it earlier. 

Myra unlocked the window. 

"You aren't going to say bye to Jason?" I asked. 

"No," her tone was clipped as she shoved the window open. 

"You know that you're family to me. And that I love you and so does Jason," I said. 

She paused. 

"I know." 

Myra picked up her back pack and slung it over her shoulders before jumping out of the window. 

It felt like everything was moving so quickly. I still couldn't fathom why she felt the way she did or why it had come to a head at this moment. Letting out a sigh, I went back to my room so that I could go to bed. Hunter would be here tomorrow and I needed to be ready. There was no telling what lied ahead.


The next day I woke up feeling well rested. It surprised me, but then I remembered that I was healed. The Court member's power had been very thorough. 

Hunter came late in the morning. Jason and I were just finishing up breakfast when he came. It had been tense. I was sure he knew what was going on with Myra, but he didn't say anything when I asked him. I was worried about her. Even though Jason was tight lipped, I knew he was worried too. If she didn't go looking for trouble, then trouble would find her from the situation she put herself in. 

Jason and I said our goodbyes before I left with Hunter. Although we had a rocky relationship, I would miss him. I was sad to leave, but I was excited to be with Hunter. I could only imagine what it would be like finding the others. 

Chronicles of the Unknowns: GenesisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ