Dino & Vernon 2

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It was a complete mess

Jeonghan and Joshua joined a while later, the two running through the main entrance and frantically looking around for their leader.

Scoups was sitting nervously in the waiting room where Jeonghan fell in front of him to engulfed him in a healing hug "They'll be okay, I'm sure Cheol, please say something"

The leader was speechless
His mind going in a million different direction

When the doctor confirmed their suspicions a while ago ... Dino and Vernon were poisoned with the same substance

Seungcheol was thinking hard trying to understand how it all happened and it hit him. The two were together the entire day, they finished shooting and went outside to meet their fans before going home. He remembered seeing the two holding juice boxes.

Could it be that they put something in their drinks?

Dino was panting softly under his oxygen mask, a few tubes sticking out of his forearm and I can say the same was happening to Vernon.

Luckily the poison wasn't that hard to determine ... it was simply detergent, someone put detergent in their drinks

They were about to go in for a stomach wash procedure and the leader was the one feeling numb and frozen right now. They'll be okay, there's no doubt but it's witch hunt time for whoever was behind this. Seungcheol couldn't stop about the many ways he would kill and rip who ever done this to pieces.

He had their team and security go through the security cameras of that day and check every single details they could, he was determined to find out to the person behind this.

But meanwhile, as he waited for any new information, he was sprinting through the hallways of the hospital to see Vernon when the nurse said that he was out of danger and now awake.
When Seungcheol walked inside the hospi room, Jeonghan was already there sitting by Vernon's side holding his hand gently. Vernon was still a little hazy and under medication, he wasn't saying much but he seemed more awake than when Seuncheol and DK had to bring him here.

"Hi" Seungcheol walked in slowly "How are you feeling Ver?" The leader asked kneeling down next to Vernon's hospital bed but the younger wasn't all that awake to respond, he mumbled something weakly that neither Seungcheol nor Jeonghan understood

Seungcheol sighed "It's alright kiddo rest for now, I promise I'll find whoever did this and make them pay"

Jeonghan was worried not just about Vernon and Dino but also about the leader himself. In such situations, Seungcheol's anger might be more dangerous than getting poisoned, if he promised to make them pay ... oh they will pay.

"Jeonghan stay with him please? I'll go ask about how Dino is doing"
Jeonghan nodded endlessly "And Cheol?" Jeonghan called right before the leader exited the room "Please calm down and take it easy"

Seungcheol shook his head "I can't ... not until I get what I want"
That look on his face before he left made Jeonghan much more concerned, Seungcheol was dead serious on bringing down the people who did this to pits of hell.

Joshua and DK were waiting in the waiting room when Seungcheol joined them.
"Any news?" He asked and the two shook their heads slightly no
The leader sighed and was about to say something when his phone buzzed.

He took a few steps away and took it "Any leads?" He asked immediately "Well get me everything there is about them, I want them to pay for this, I hope you understand" he said a few more harsh things and hang up soon after ...

The doctor walked out a while later, he seemed a bit worried "It's taking a troll on his respiratory system, we need to keep an extra eye on him for now"
Everyone was worried sick but was there anything for them to do? They just had to wait and it was killing them.

Jeonghan was running between Vernon's room and Dino's ward. They were not allowed to go inside Dino's ward yet so he traded places with either Joshua or DK to go check on Dino and vice versa. The others were here too ... Mingyu, Wonwoo, Seungkwan ... all of them, but they weren't allowed either, the place was crowded as it is and the doctors asked the rest to wait outside.

Finally, Seungcheol got that phone call he was looking for "Good ... I'm pressing charges so make sure they rut in jail, our lawyer will be with you in a minute" ... "I don't care what the company is doing about it, I know what I am doing about it and I'm pressing charges"

Jeonghan heard him and walked over to him with worried eyes, the boy looked tired and shouldn't have to worry about this right now but he was ... "Cheol can we talk please?"

Seungcheol put his phone away to give his second eldest the attention he wanted, Heonghan looked a mess ... he was definitely crying, the red shades underneath his eyes confirmed that

"What are you doing? This could backfire on us, we don't want that and I'm sure the boys don't want that either"

"Han I have two members laying in hospital beds, I need to get everyone else tested because god only knows who else got poisoned too ... I'm not letting this go, just not letting it go"

Jeonghan sighed "I know ... I'm just" ... "I need to go back to Vernon, please be careful and don't take rushed decisions ... I beg you"

Seungcheol saw Jeonghan walk away and he knows just how much this was bothering him and everyone else ... and he decided to eliminate it.

A few hours passed by and Joshua was now sitting near Dino's bed. The boy was still under an oxygen mask but awake, Joshua by his side keeping him company and telling him that everything's okay.

But was it?
The doctor said that both of Vernon and Dino were out of danger but he wasn't releasing them any time soon until he makes sure that all is clear. Seungcheol wasn't going to clear them either until he made sure that there was no more threats not to then not any of the others.

He got off the phone again, Jeonghan a few feet away "We got them" he announced and heard Jeonghan sigh a broken heavy sigh "Thank god" he whispered

"It's just sickening" Seuncheol gritted his teeth but decided to the let his thought to himself "How's Vernon?"

"Better" Jeonghan replied looking pale and tired "He's awake and responding well"

"Hannie how about you get some rest? I'll ask Jun or Mingyu to cover for you"

Jeonghan shook his head "I'm fine ... just I don't want anymore drama please Cheol"

"I promise" no drama that Jeonghan will hear of anyways

Sorry for updating 1 day late got stuck somewhere unpleasant 😩

Requested by httpsjungwonn

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