Junhao 🤍 Special

964 22 5

Mafia AU ❗️
Violence / Hurt & Comfort / fluff
Served with love and a little of Meanie 🤍 on the side
Long chapter on the way ☝️

Wen Junhui:
The Mafia leader who took over his father's Empire three years ago and made it twice as bigger as it was before.
Powerful and extremely dangerous, his family took over the entire city and half of the world if you count their abroad companies and businesses.

From legal and illegal fronts, Jun had a reputation for being ruthless and dangerous. Not to be messed with him under any circumstances. If you value your life, you better not even breathe in a wrong way in front of him.

"How dare he go behind my back?" Jun was pouring himself a glass of red wine, he looked slightly annoyed but mostly unbothered "How dare he sell me such merchandise? It's just ridiculous" his new shipment of gun ammunition wasn't exactly up to the standards and he was ... pissed off but remained composed and calm like always.

He's always calm and well composed ... until he's not.

"Mingyu?" He called for the person he trusted the most "Get the car and call the boys, we are going for a walk" his voice deep and sharp, so confident and so deadly.

Mingyu knew that tone, they were about to blow some things up. The younger nodded no questions asked and went to prepare the men for their upcoming mission.

It's about to go down.

On his way out, he met the short cute boy with the round glasses, you might be asking why would someone so dandy and cute  looking be found in a places like this "Wonwoo whatever it is, I suggest you keep it for later"

The boy stopped in his trails and smiled "Just some boring reports anyways" by the look of it, he knew that Mingyu was in a hurry "Hey" he called him again "Just be careful okay?"
Mingyu scoffed and walked away, not that he didn't care, but Mingyu was a man on a mission, he had no room for romance or cute little interactions, not even with the short cute accountant that stole his heart a long time ago but was too stubborn to confess to him.

Wonwoo knew the way Mingyu felt about him, he just had a funny way showing it ... right ?

Wonwoo understood of course, Mingyu was a Mafia guy, in his world, everything was so shady and dangerous long before he joined them.
The younger obviously had no room for his gentle words.

It's funny how Wonwoo got involved actually, he was young, greedy and blinded by money. He was so good with numbers and just wanted to pay his dying mother's hospital bills. Jun somehow found him and used that weakness to make him do his dirty money laundering and Wonwoo had absolutely nothing to loose.

A few minutes later, Jun walked out and saw the young account sitting on the sofa mind drifting somewhere before he stood up to greet the Mafia boss
"Ah Wonwoo" Jun had a smile on his face, he came to enjoy having the young accountant around, he was wearing a black shiny suit, his favorite color since blood stains doesn't really show on them, and was loading his favorite pistol in front the boy who tensed up a little

"Good job on that report last week Wonwoo, I'm very happy with it"

Wonwoo nodded "I'm glad you do boss, I'll keep it up"

"I expect nothing less" with one last twist, Wonwoo heard the gun in the boss's hands click fully loaded "How's your mother?" Like making small conversations with a Mafia God as he was loading his gun was a very casual thing to do

"Comfortable, thank you" Wonwoo's eyes met the ground, his mother was dying still, but with the generous money he was getting from Jun, she was at least very comfortable.

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