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*FT vocal unit

He just went to the hospital for a treatment to help with his cold and instead, he had an allergy to the medication they gave him and he almost stopped breathing.

Seungkwan was struggling to keep his breaths in check with a 39 degree fever, a bad cough and a swollen throat.
He was sweating and shivering like crazy when Jeonghan and the rest of the vocal unit, simply dropped everything they were doing to check on him.

Joshua helped him lay down on the small sofa they had in the recording room to rest for a while but as time went by, Seungkwan seemed to be getting worse. He couldn't talk much, his throat was aching so bad, his fever was sky high and his headache causing him to feel dizzy and nauseated.

Jeonghan placed his palm over his forehead some time later, and decided to call it a day and rush Seungkwan to the clinic for a checkup.

The younger was getting his treatment while Jeonghan sat by his side. The doctor said the usual, a bad flu. Seungkwan needed a lot of fluids and rest. Meanwhile, he was put under antibiotics and saline fluids to calm his fever and help fight the virus.

It has been about 30 minutes, Seungkwan was trying to get some sleep still. Jeonghan was with him the entire time, in the hospital room, texting the group chat when Seungkwan stirred uncomfortably in his hospital bed

"Hannie, I don't so feel good"

Seungkwan was sleepy and tired, he barely could speak out loud with his throat being so swollen. Jeonghan sadly smiled at him and got closer pressing the back of his hand over Seungkwan's cheeks
"I know Kwan, you'll feel better in a while, try to rest okay?"

"No, I don't think it's—" he tried to explain but he had no words and no energy "I think I'm going to throw up"

"What?" Jeonghan questioned seeing the way Seungkwan's face suddenly changed to an even more uncomfortable expression, and he knew better than to be asked twice.

Jeonghan brought the trash bin closer to Seungkwan's bed, the younger slowly sitting up and leaning closer to it heaving and retching. Jeonghan was a bit confused at first, but he stayed by his side rubbing soothing circles on his back until he was done. He was now trying to calm him down since Seungkwan was struggling to catch his breaths again.

Seungkwan's face was all shades of pink and red, the boy was too tired and again ... breathless

"It's okay Kwan just breathe" Jeonghan said worriedly caressing Seungkwan's back and slowly helping him to regulate his breaths but it was difficult for Seungkwan to follow Jeonghan's instructions and the older started to panic.

"Han—nie ... n—no" Seungkwan couldn't form a single sentence and Jeonghan had enough, he quickly pressed the small button by Seungkwan's bed calling the nurse over.

"It's okay baby just breathe, what happened you were doing okay —-" and he couldn't finish because Seungkwan's face changed again and Jeonghan knew what was about to happen for the second time. He held the bin closer for him as Seungkwan threw up everything he had in his body so far and that's when the nurse walked in.

Seeing what just happened, the nurse tried to take Seungkwan's vitals and his oxygen levels were all over the place, he was indeed breathless, she noticed his reddish cheeks and flashed skin and this was not because of the fever

"I think he might be having an allergic reaction to the medication, I'll call the doctor"

Hearing that, Jeonghan panicked even more, Seungkwan never had such a reaction before, could this be dangerous? He just sat there trying to calm the younger down until the doctor showed up.

"It's okay I'm here" he squeezed Seungkwan's hand and guided him through some deep breaths exercises
"That's it baby that's it, just follow me okay" and Seungkwan tried but it wasn't all that easy until the doctor pushed the door open and ordered to take him off the antibiotics immediately and put him under an oxygen mask.

Jeonghan was pushed outside for a while, his heart was beating like crazy scared of what might happen. He held his phone and quickly dialed Woozi, the younger picked up sounding drowsy but was on full alert the second he heard Jeonghan's voice telling him about what just happened.

Woozi and Joshua joined Jeonghan in the hospital still waiting for the doctor to come out and give them updates about Seungkwan's condition

"Doctor please what happened? Is he okay?" Jeonghan asked the second he saw the doctor coming out and the doctor looked weary

"He's stable now but" ... "He had an allergic reaction to the medication we put him on, I checked his record twice and there's no mention of him having any allergies did this happen before?"

"No" they all shook their heads, truth to be told, Seungkwan never had any reactions m before and he had in fact, received treatment like these countless times before as well. They weren't sure what happened today

"Well, we can't let him go tonight, we will keep him under observation, our priority is to wash away the traces of the medicine that's causing the allergy away first" ... "I know he's still sick but it will get worse if we don't and we will need your help, it will be a rather uncomfortable night"

It didn't sound good at all but they nodded in union, of course, they'll be there for him but most importantly they wanted to make sure he was okay.

The doctor was right, it was a long clammy, sweaty and painful night. Seungkwan finally was done vomiting whatever he had left in his stomach, the doctor changed the saline bag for what seemed to be the tenth time since last night and Seungkwan was finally ... finally dozing off.

DK joined them a while ago, he was working all night away on a schedule that he couldn't get out from. He run inside the hospital after finding the twenty missed calls and multiple text messages. He slowly opened the door to Seungkwan's hospital room only to have Jeonghan jolt up from where he rested his head on the arm chair for a few minutes. He put a finger over his mouth "Shh" he whispered to Dokeyom who's eyes were as wide and worried as ever

DK nodded and walked in, Seungkwan was sleeping on the bed. His face too pale and his cheeks too flushed, he couldn't notice the tired shades under his eyes and the oxygen mask that covered his mouth and nose, the many medicine bottles and water bowl by his night stand. He tried to touch him and hold his hand but Jeonghan stopped him and took him outside

"What the hell happened?" DK asked "Is he okay? What's going on?"

"He's doing better now don't worry" Jeonghan tried to explain calmly

"Don't worry?" DK almost exploded "Did you see his face? What's going on?"

"He had an allergic reaction to the medication" ... "He was vomiting all night, he was having a hard time breathing, they couldn't give him anything else until they were sure that the medicine left his body and he was still sick, so you can imagine that the fever, the cough and his swollen throat only got worse"

DK was in disbelief, he frantically stared at Jeonghan "The doctor said that the worst has passed, he's on strict bed rest for the next few days until he fully recovers ... he only managed to get some sleep a couple of hours ago, Sorry I didn't want you to touch him and maybe wake him up"

DK sighed deeply feeling worse than before, he should've been here earlier but he didn't even have his phone on him until an hour ago.
"Where's Woozi and Joshua?"

"I sent Joshua home to get some stuff for Seungkwan, Woozi is getting us some coffee, Coups is on his way here too"

Jeonghan seemed to have everything under control, even though still too worried about Seungkwan, he seemed to be confident enough that everything's going to be okay. DK took a step closer and simply hugged the older hearing him sigh deeply on his shoulder.
"I'm sure he'll be fine" DK mumbled over Jeonghan's head "Why don't you get some rest I'll swap places with you for a while"

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