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Overworked & Exhausted
A little bit of Jeongcheol on the side

Tired and really hungry, Seungcheol dropped on the sofa after a few days of none stop work. He just walked out of the shower and couldn't wait to dig into his dinner.
In the background, it was unusually dead silent. The leader knew that his members were probably too exhausted and they went to bed a long time ago and that he was the only one awake at this hour since he had to make sure that everything was set for the next day schedules.

He sat there with the TV on but sound almost on mute slowly biting on his fried chicken he closed his eyes from time to time only to feel them sting and burn. He was exhausted but there was a couple of things he had to go through before calling it a night.

He heard the faint noise coming from the corridor and he turned out. A sleepy cute looking Jeonghan appeared with a messy hair bed and flushed cheeks making Seungcheol chuckle immediately "Why are you up?" He asked thinking just his cute the other looked. Jeonghan didn't reply but walked all the way to Seungcheol's side and sat next to him "I smelled chicken so" he sounded sleepy but it didn't stop him from stealing a piece from Seungcheol's plate

"Sure, help yourself" Seungcheol said with a smile still painted on his face

"Why are YOU up?" He asked his leader with a side look
"I wanted to eat chicken so" Seungcheol teasingly replied and Jeonghan scoffed

"I knew it, you just wanted to eat chicken without us ... that's fine"

Seungcheol laughed "Yeah eat chicken and have some peace and quiet"

"Mhum I see" Jeonghan said with a teasing smile then they both bursted laughing

"Shhh Hannie you'll wake the others" Seungcheol hushed him up and Jeonghan apologized

"No really why are you up this late?" Jeonghan asked and Seungcheol sighed "I was going through the schedules and there's so much to amend"

"Cheol you need to rest too you know?" Jeonghan was worried glancing the leader up and down with soft caring eyes

"I know, I will I promise I just need to make sure that all is perfectly planned out so we can have a smooth day"

Jeonghan sighed "You're doing too much for us, it's okay to ask for help sometimes you know?"

"I know Hannie I really do, everyone has something to worry about and I don't want to add more into their plates"

Jeonghan smiled, Seungcheol was the best leader anyone could ever hope for. He knew just how much efforts he was putting into their work and how hard he's been trying to keep everything perfect but even Jeonghan could see how exhausted he was.
Seungcheol was slowly blinking his eyes trying to keep them open as much as possible. Everyone noticed the many hours of sleep he's been missing and the many meals he's been skipping and it was becoming more obvious day after day.

Jeonghan was hoping he could talk to him about it on behalf of everyone but Seungcheol obviously wasn't having it right now. He sighed finishing that piece of chicken he had in his hand and simply refused to leave his side until he helped him get all his work done.
"Jeonghan please go get some sleep" Seungcheol looked up from his laptop where he was monitoring some clips from an upcoming behind the scenes video.
"Seungcheol please go get some sleep"

"Repeating what I say is not funny"

"Not getting proper sleep for weeks is not funny either"

Seungcheol put his laptop aside and sighed deeply. He reached out to give his temples a small massage "Fine, I'm going to bed" he looked exhausted really
"Great" Jeonghan said and stood up "See? I always get my way no matter what it's just easier to give me what I wa—-"
He was about to finish his sentence when the sound of broken glass startled him so bad.
Jeonghan jumped and looked to the source of the sound only to find Seungcheol leaning forward, the glass of water he had in his hand suddenly fell to the floor while the older looked stressed

"Cheol?" Jeonghan called and sprinted his way to Seungcheol helping him to stand back up "Are you okay?"
Seungcheol closed his eyes trying to take some deep breaths before he decided to sit back on the sofa
"What's wrong what happened?" Jeonghan was worried seeing the way Seungcheol was tightly holding into him

He gained no reply and he was about to go on full panic mode when Seungcheol finally found the energy to respond
"I'm okay ... I just lost my balance for a bit"

"Lost your balance? You almost blacked out"

"I'm fine, just ... hum I just need to hum ..."

"You need to rest, you need to lay down and rest Cheol" Jeonghan was serious and all shaken up, it was rare to see Seungcheol crumbling like this and Jeonghan was worried

"Yeah" Seungcheol finally agreed, he continued to take deep breaths as he laid down on the sofa right there and then not being able to take another step anywhere else "I'm dizzy"

"I'll be surprised if you wasn't really" Jeonghan tried to reassure the leader getting him some water and covering him up tightly. A few moments later, Wonwoo appeared through the hallway, the boy was a light sleeper and was awakened by the glass shuttering.
He walked in on Jeonghan helping Seungcheol to lay down. The scene was a bit odd and Wonwoo frowned a bit taking a few steps into the living room

"STOP" Jeonghan frantically ordered "There's broken glass everywhere don't get any closer"

Wonwoo looked around, the lights were dim and he couldn't see any shuttered glass but he was still worried "What's going on?" He saw as Seungcheol was taking deep breaths and trying to keep his eyes open

"Cheol is tired, he just needs a second" ... "Can you get me some painkillers? And a blanket please"

Wonwoo nodded and left in a hurry trying to wake the others up while looking for what Jeonghan asked him for.
"Hey Cheol? Just take some deep breaths, it's just a dizzy spell"

"Yeah I'm fine thanks" Seungcheol sat up a while later taking the medicine Wonwoo brought him and soon was all cozy with a warm blanket.
"You need to rest for real this time" Wonwoo, who remembered to put on his flops walked carefully through the living room.
The leader sighed "I'm sorry" feeling heavy hearted, it's already too late and he's too tired he can't hide it anymore. Jeonghan and Wonwoo were staying by his side until he finally fell asleep and needed up sleeping in the living room as well after cleaning up all of the broken glass.

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