Jeongcheol 🤍

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It was a late night practice and Jeonghan was doing his best ... at complaining

This is too hard
That's too difficult

Sulking ...

"Are we done yet?"

"Can we go home now?"

... slaking off

"Today is not my day really"

With his Princess attitude all the way ...

"Can you open my water bottle?"

Panting with difficulty and that princess attitude "I'm done for today, I can't anymore"

Seungcheol knew that Jeonghan was just having a mood, his famous princess mood, and usually that wouldn't bother him at all but tonight, he's been in a weird place himself.

Any other day, Seungcheol would be all over Jeonghan's needy little requests, attending to every and each one of them and kicking some ass while at it, but today, he stood there listening to all of his whining and didn't say a word.

Seungcheol massaged his temples for the tenth time this evening alone.

A bad headache?
Think more of a migraine

It was a bit past midnight and everyone left already with their respective roommates for the night, leaving Seungcheol and Jeonghan together.

"Cheol please come on hurry~~" Jeonghan pouted, he's been waiting for Seungcheol to finish showering and changing so he can finally take him home

"I'm coming Jeonghan" the leader replied calmly, his voice casual but there was a hint of a stretch into it, like he was mad but wasn't really

Jeonghan frowned at the tone, but didn't give it much attention

"Home please~ I'm tired" Jeonghan whined again

"Aren't we all Hannie?" Seungcheol said with that tone again while passing right next to Jeonghan to get his bag.

Jeonghan eyed him as he walked past him, took his bag and opened the door. Seungcheol held it open for Jeonghan, he glanced over his shoulder at the other and motioned him to start walking ... a nice lovely gesture, he opened the door for him, but felt a bit forced.

Seungcheol was clearly upset and Jeonghan bit the inside of his cheeks knowing exactly what he has done to upset the leader.

They got into the car and Jeonghan got quiet. The mood was a bit cold and he didn't know how to feel or how approach Seungcheol ... to apologize.

Seungcheol soon started the car and they were already on their way home. Jeonghan looked up from where his eyes were locked on his lap guiltily "I'm sorry" he mumbled and Seuncheol raised an eyebrow

"Huh?" The leader questioned

"I said I'm sorry" Jeonghan repeated, his voice low and regretful "I've been too whiny tonight, I know I've upset you"

Seuncheol sighed deeply

"You were too whiny tonight" he emphasized the fact that Jeonghan actually was ... "But you didn't upset me"

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