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It's been a couple of days since Hoshi got that cold, coughing and sneezing almost every 10 minutes.

"You did take your meds right?" S.coups asked that morning on their way to start their schedule. Hoshi caughed and answered his leader with a small nods. S.coups frowned, the dancer looked exhausted, he was wearing a thick hoodie and a black mask covering his mouth and nose, his eyes looking just dull and by the way he walked, exhaustion was really obvious.

Hoshi couldn't walk straight for more than 15 minutes without taking a small rest. Scoups sighed, he really tried to get him a day off but he couldn't, there was just so much to do, the only thing he was able to do was taking him to the hospital for a flu shot last night but it doesn't seem to be getting him any better without proper rest.

The others were also very worried, glancing at him with concerned eyes every time they had the chance, offering him something to eat or drink and reminding him to take his medication.

By the end of the day, Hoshi was too tired and almost soulless but they still had to practice for a few more hours before they could go back home.
They had to go through some parts in the new dance routine but Hoshi, the head of the performance team, wasn't in his best conditions and the practice was going really slow.
From time to time, Hoshi would stop, take in a deep breath and stands still for a while hoping that his feet won't just give up on him

"It's okay, just stop whenever you need to" S.coups reassured over and over again

"Do you need anything?" The8 and Dino kept asking but the older never asked for anything

Jeonghan was getting really worried this time. Hoshi stopped again mid rehearsals pressing down his abdomen and kneeling down with a loud groan.

Jeonghan immediately sprinted by his side "Are you okay?" He asked throwing a hand around Hoshi's shoulders. Hoshi inhaled deeply, he lifted his head up slowly and nodded to the older but this time S.coups firmly stepped in "Hoshi just go sit down somewhere"

"I'm okay Hyung"

"Just lay down for a while"

Coups then dragged him to the couch where Hoshi simply laid down with his eyes half open. It was obvious that Hoshi was struggling to stay awake, his breaths going up and down almost hyperventilating
"Is it your stomach?" Jeonghan asked kneeling down next to the panting boy

"I ... I didn't eat much ... today, I feel ... dizzy"

They had to make him eat something, Hoshi's body was practically empty on everything.
He had low blood pressure and sugar, he was about to faint, Jeonghan made him sit up as the others gathered all what they could find to push it down Hoshi's throat. For 30 minutes, they just gathered around the sick boy trying to make him feel better and shortly after that, they all went back to the dorm.

As soon as they arrived, Hoshi went immediately to bed. He fell into deep sleep not wanting to do anything but rest his weak body for a few hours before the next daylight breaks in.

The next morning was really quiet. Hoshi was awakened by their maknae. Dino tried to be as gentle as possible, he softly shook the older up.
Hoshi opened his eyes weakly not really wanting to leave the warmth of his bed. Dino helped him to push the blanket away and sit up a little "How do you feel?" Hoshi smiled "Don't worry about me Dino I'm good"

Even though the younger knew that his Hyung was lying, he just nodded, he really hoped that Hoshi would finally get a day off. Hoshi left his bed with heavy steps toward the bathroom where he washed his face and took some time to take a good look at his reflection the mirror. He looked awefull.
And he felt sorry.
Almost Guilty.

As he walked out of the bathroom, he walked through the hallway leading to the living room.
Everyone was busy getting ready to leave soon. Hoshi stood still, looking at the boys packing, somehow lost in a trance and it suddenly got harder to breathe.

He felt his body stiffens and the floor moved beneath him and suddenly, everything was upside down and his eye lids felt heavy, he couldn't feel or hear anything and simply let the darkness swallow him.

Everyone heard the thud that came from the living room's entrance.
Joshua was the first to reach him "Hoshi?" he called the younger's name holding him in his arms but Hoshi was still and motionless.

Mingyu hurried and called for their leader, S.coups came running inside the living room, he kneeled next to the unconscious boy in Joshua's arms.

He run his hands on the younger's cheeks patting them soflty. But something seemed wrong, Hoshi's face was getting paler with the seconds, Jeonghan came near them after asking the rest of the boys to give them some space and asked Wonwoo to immediately call their manager.
He tried to feel Hoshi's breaths but he wasn't feeling anything.

"He's not breathing" he said really traumatized and not knowing exactly what to do

"What do you mean he's not breathing?" Coups asked not really comprehending what Jeonghan just said, not until he felt the other's breaths himself

"Oh my God call an ambulance"

Jun called the manager while Wonwoo took care of the ambulance. It was so hard for both of them to describe the situation, their voices were shaking as they talked on the phone.

S.coups was litterly shaking, he couldn't understand what was happening or what he should be doing until Woozi slightly pushed him away and started hoovering over Hoshi's chest opening the buttons of his pyjama shirt.

He then crushed his cheeks parting  lips away, he leaned and gave him CPR.

He left Hoshi's lips and headed to his chest softly pressing it "1, 2, 3" he counted and went back to feel Hoshi's breaths again but ... nothing.

So he did it again, he pressed his lips against Hoshi's and then started pressing on his chest "Come on Hoshi please" Woozi pleased on the verge to break down and cry

He did it one last time and in the middle of Woozi's pressing down his chest, Hoshi caughed inhaling some air. Everyone released a relived sigh, for a second, they thought they lost him.
But Hoshi wasn't okay quite yet, he wasn't out of danger

Seconds later, they could hear the ambulance's noises coming closer. Wonwoo finally opened the door to guide the paramedics inside their dorm and they soon were followed by two of their managers.

Everyone was pushed aside as the paramedics started their first aid, everything was a horrible mess. Dino already broke into tears and Seungkwan tightly holding into Mingyu's jacket he couldn't bare to look what the paramedics were doing to Hoshi.

Things started to get better a while later, when the paramedics told them that Hoshi was suffering from a viral fever of 39,8 degrees.
Hoshi was severely dehydrated, he was too sick for too long without proper rest and his body couldn't fight it anymore, he needed rest and lots of fluids.
They ended up taking Hoshi to the hospital anyways with Jeonghan and Scoups by his side.
Nothing could bring back serenity to the dorm after what just happened, they were all shaken up and terrified. They tried to take the time and grasp what just happened and just nervously waited for a call from their leader or second eldest to reassure them that Hoshi was fine.

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