Seoksoo 🤍 Special

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SeokSoo 🤍
Psychology/ Mental Health
Hurt and Comfort/ Anxiety/ Fluff
Long chapter coming up ☝️

Seokmin run through the hallways, he was suddenly paged by his head of department and had no idea why.
It was unexpected and he was on his break when he got the page and he had to move quickly. He stood in front the chief's door and took a few breaths, checked his outfit and his white coat before he thought twice about what he could have done wrong recently but nothing came to mind.

He softly knocked on the door and waited for his permission to enter.
Seokmin was a brilliant young medical resident at a psychiatric clinic. He's been here for three years and loved his job so much. Working with people with mental illness and difficulties was challenging but at the same time it was interesting to him. Not a day goes by boring, he treated each and everyone with the respect and kindness they deserve and everyone loved him back. He had more patients asking for him in the last year than doctors who've been working at the same clinic for over a decade.

Everyone was impressed and happy he was with them.

"Good evening chief, you paged for me?"

"Oh yes" the head of department was an old man with great experience, he was kind but also very firm and strict about the rules and regulations inside the clinic. As they were dealing with mentally challenged people, it was his top priority to keep the place safe for everyone and especially the patients

"My rising star" Seokmin smiled politely but internally, he was thrilled, the head of department had a nickname for him and it was exciting
"Come in son" Seokmin smiled wider and walked inside the office

"You have been doing a great work and I heard so many good feedbacks about you"

"Thank you chief, I'm just doing my job"

The old man laughed "It's nice to see young people with a bright spirit like you son, I got countless recommendations from your colleagues and I figured you would be perfect for the job"

"Hum? Job sir?"

"Yes ... I'm assigning you to a patient, a new arrival"

"Oh, that's not a problem .. May I have a look at their file?"

"It's a boy and Humm no not really, they are sealed files" ... "He basically doesn't have one"

Seokmin stopped for a bit and blinked in confusion "What kind of diagnosis he has?"


Again, a puzzled look was painted on Seokmin's face "That's all?"

"Yes ... for now at least"

"O-okay ... hum anything else I should know about?"

"Honestly my boy, his rich family is paying us and thus you double the regular amount to simply take care of him ... the only thing we could see on his record is ... acute depression, loss of focus, minimum movements"

"And they are paying double just for that? Any suicidal thoughts? Anxiety issues? Special treatments, medications ...?"

"No, nothing ... are you okay with the terms? There might be suprises along the way kid, there isn't much on his file to begin with"

Sure, Seokmin was ambitious and loved a challenge "Alright then we will just have to build up his file step by step, a new diagnosis, a new treatment ... is his family okay with that?"

"Actually yes, they are paying us more than enough to build another clinic ward and with the freedom to do whatever we can to help"

Seokmin smiled "Then it's my pleasure to take on the role"

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