Soonhoon 1 🤍

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For my new Awesome friend who inspired me to write this  Soon_hoonist ⭐️

Soonhoon couple with a twist of angst and drama coming your way

Soonyoung was looking forward to Jihoon coming home tonight, but he only waited for hours, the food he prepared got cold a long time ago and he was sleepy, sick and tired of waiting for something that might never happen.

He heaved a long tired sigh, finally taking a few bites of the already cold dumplings before he just gave up. He had no appetite anymore, he was feeling their distance grow bigger and bigger everyday and it hurt him, it hurt him more than anything else.

Hoshi put the food away, he didn't care to even label them anymore or leave the little sticky notes like he used to because he knew that when Woozi comes home ... that IF he came home ... he would just go straight to bed and Hoshi will find them on the counter the same way he left them the night before
And he didn't want to feel worse than he already does

He simply cleaned a little around the kitchen and went to his room. They were living together, a nice cozy two bedroom apartment but they usually ended up using just one bed. However, that bed felt too cold and too lonely lately and Soonyoung couldn't help but to drown his thoughts in tears as he went to sleep that night.

He didn't know what was happening.
Why Jihoon was pushing him away? Yes, he was busy with producing lately but that was no reason for him to ignore his messages, lie to him when he promised he'll be home for dinner tonight and ask him to leave his studio so he could finish his work in peace.

Soonyoung felt his heart shutter into a thousand pieces and he started to get careless.
Jihoon wasn't there so he'll drink as much as he wants, Jihoon wasn't there so he'll stay hours after practice just to pass the time and until he couldn't breathe anymore, Jihoon wasn't there so he didn't bother to eat when he was alone.

Jihoon wasn't there  ...

The truth was, Jihoon was missing Soonyoung so freaking much.

He was overwhelmed with work and regretted breaking his promises, he hated having to go home and finding their apartment empty, no warm hugs or playful kisses.
Jihoon felt like the worst boyfriend in the universe and he knew, he knew that somehow, he needed to make things right. Work wasn't everything and he needed his sunshine back.
He missed being in his arms and he missed fooling around with him ... he missed him so much and it's been a couple of weeks already and it's driving him crazy.

So he decided to take a break.

He wanted his boyfriend back, he couldn't live with them drifting apart like this, he missed him so much.

Jihoon went home that night happy and excited to get to Soonyoung as soon as possible.

He waisted no time getting to their apartment, he bought food and snacks on the way, he was thinking they would snuggle all night and make it up to each other for all the time they were apart, Jihoon had so much to tell Soonyoung and he was sure that the other had so much to tell him as well.

He put in the password to their apartment and was excited to see Soonyoung's shoes at the door indicating that he was home but also surprised to feel their home ... cold.

The temperature was lower than usual and it was already November and Jihoon shivered a little as he went inside, he didn't care less, he'll be warm again in Soonyoung's arms in no time.

He walked in
"Soonyoung?" ... "Baby you won't believe how the last few days have been" ... "I missed you so—"

He walked to the living room but Soonyoung wasn't there, he peaked into Soonyoung's room and he wasn't there. Jihoon grew a bit more excited thinking that Soonyoung must be in his room, Jihoon's bedroom, it wasn't strange that they slept in each other's beds. He didn't have to think twice before opening the door and his excitement immediately vanished.

Jihoon's eyes winded and his heart dropped.
Soonyoung was on the floor, eyes closed and ... motionless.

"SOONYOUNG" Jihoon frantically called for his boyfriend's name. He kneeled on the ground by his side immediately scooping him in his arms "SOON?"

He shook him violently but got no response

Jihoon was out of his mind, he tried to calm himself down as he dialed the numbers on his phone. First an ambulance, then Jeonghan. He wasn't sure what else to do or who else to call, he trusted the older to come and help him.

Soonyoung was paler than ever, his lips almost blueish, he was so cold.
Jihoon checks his pulse and his breaths, they were faint and shaky but they were there.
Jihoon only screamed Soonyoung's name countless timestrying to wake him up, his tears already trailing down his cheeks.

Was he gone for too long that he didn't even notice the love of his life slipping away from him?
He tried to stay as calm as he could still holding Soonyoung in his arms. He unzipped his jacket to make sure he got enough air, he checked for injuries but he didn't seem to find any.
He gently pushed his hair away from his face and stroke his cheeks

"I'm sorry" ... "I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you"

He held Soonyoung's hands tightly while still on the floor. He felt his boyfriend's burning breaths against his own as he leaned to capture his lips gently. He was scared to death, scared of loosing him, scared of hurting him.
He brushed his hair caressing his cheeks and hands urging him to wake up.

Jihoon was petrified.

His thoughts were broken by the sound of the doorbell. He didn't want to leave Soonyoung's side but he also had to get him help. He run to the door to answer to the paramedics who came rushing in seeing how broken Jihoon was and expected the worse.
One of them staying with Jihoon, trying to calm him down while the other taking Soonyoung's vitals.
Luckily, Jeonghan and Jun arrived a few minutes later and took care of the sobbing mess that is Jihoon.

Jihoon cried bitterly on Jeonghan's shoulder while Jun was helping the paramedics trying to understand what's going on "It's my fault, it's all my fault" Jihoon blamed himself for everything, for being away for too long, for not paying too much attention.

"Baby it's not your fault, he'll be okay don't worry" Jeonghan tried to shush him promising him that Soonyoung will be fine soon and he could be with him soon but Jihoon wasn't having it. He hurt Soonyoung too bad he wasn't sure if the younger will take him back.

June saw as the paramedics carefully placed Soonyoung on Jihoon's bed. His vitals were all over the place, they placed an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose helping him to breathe, his fever was 39,8 degrees and hands cold as ice.

They quickly hooked him on saline drips and let the medicine immediately run through his veins.
They closely monitored his heart beats and vitals for about an hour. An hour during which Jihoon was about to go crazy and Jeonghan was running out of options to calm him down even when Scoups and Joshua joined.

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