Wonwoo & Scoups

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Seungcheol walked inside Mingyu and Wonwoo's apartment.
Clean and neat like always and smelling Daisy fresh, he smiled to himself feeling proud, these two are the perfect pair, them living together is just the best decision they ever made.

Mingyu was a bit busy here and there ... packing

"Got everything you need?" The leader asked and Mingyu sighed then nodded "I guess so" he mumbled "I'm just worried about Wonwoo that's all"

Seungcheol's smile didn't leave his face "That's why I'm here Gyu"

"I know ... I know ... it's just, he's too fragile and I know how it can get"

Seungcheol frowned "I get you're worried but I'll make sure he's okay" ...

Wonwoo was down with a cold and a fever and it's been two days already. Mingyu has been with him since the start but he's scheduled for an event soon and simply didn't want to leave Wonwoo alone. He called Seungcheol for help, the leader was still recovering from his torn ACL surgery and was basically free so he volunteered to stay with Wonwoo until Mingyu came back.

Mingyu sighed "I know ... I'm sure he'll be just fine just ... he can be stubborn and just overall sensitive"

"Who are you calling stubborn and sensitive?"

A voice cut Mingyu off, Wonwoo was standing by the door frame pouting a little

"Sorry Won" Mingyu apologized immediately "I'm just worried about you that's all"

Wonwoo folded his hands in front of his chest "I'm fine" he huffed finally noticing Seungcheol who was standing cluelessly in their living room "You got Seungcheol to come all the way here?" He asked looking apologetic

"Hi, Wonu how are you feeling?" Seungcheol took a step forward to take a second look at the young

"I'm fine Cheol, you didn't have to come"

"I know, I know but would it hurt if I just keep you company? We can lay around and watch movies or play video games?"

Wonwoo sighed "It's nice having you here anytime of course, but not to take care of me, I'm fine"

"Okay then, we can just chill and have fun" Seungcheol shrugged, he knew that Wonwoo was being stubborn so he decided to go along with it. The look on Mingyu's face was too soft, he knew Wonwoo wasn't feeling all well and leaving him right now was a bit difficult.

Mingyu pouted both irritated, annoyed and concerned "Fine, he's just keeping you company then that's all"

Soon, Mingyu was at the door, eyes scanning Wonwoo's face ... a bit pale, cheeks flushed "You'll be okay right?" He whispered to his long time roommate and heard him sigh a little "I'll be just fine Min, you go and enjoy yourself"

"I won't be enjoying anything, it's work"

"Still ... it's Paris so forget about us and enjoy it for a bit"

Taking a step forward, Mingyu hugged Wonwoo tightly "I'll see you later then"
Wonwoo patted the younger's back "Good luck, come back safely"

Saying goodbye to his leader, Mingyu soon closed the main door behind himself as he finally left the apartment.
Seungcheol waited a bit until Wonwoo came back to meet him in the living room. The boy looked so small in his white large t-shirt and shorts

"So, do you want to order something for dinner?" Seungcheol suggested and watched as Wonwoo flopped on the sofa, he nodded slowly

"I'm not stubborn" he mumbled softly out of the blue, Seungcheol sat on the floor across from him and looked a bit puzzled "I just don't want to worry him" Wonwoo continued

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