Mingyu 2

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Things happened rather too quickly. They finished practice at a very reasonable hour today and went back home. They had something to eat together and each went to their own rooms or off to do personal chores.

Scoups, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, Jun and Mingyu were sitting in the living room.
The Tv was on and they were casually chatting, Wonwoo with his phone in his hands, he didn't participate in the conversation that much while Jun was focused on the show.

A little bit farther away from them, Mingyu was sitting on the couch and he seemed a little bit out of it. When Scoups and Jeonghan were trying to ask him something about tomorrow's schedule, he did not respond.
He didn't even flinch and they got worried for a second. Mingyu's eyes were half closed, they said that he must have dozzed off for a second before Scoups caught him, or did he faint? They weren't too sure but when Scoups asked Jun and Wonwoo to bring some cold water and a towel, things started to get bit frantic in the dorms.

Mingyu's sleeping figure was so fragile and it was extremely rare to see him motionless and helpless. The boy was always their happy hyper-active puppy all the time and now he suddenly looks pale and almost out of his mind with a fever higher than they had originally expected.

Jeonghan sighed "What the hell happened?" He watched as he just traded places with Wonwoo, the younger was rinsing the wet towel again and placing it over Mingyu's heated forehead

"I'm not sure Han" Scoups replied "Let's think positively and describe it as it is ... He's simply down with a fever"

"But he was fine ... I don't understand" Jeonghan sounded worried, he looked around trying to put two and two together finding a reason why Mingyu was this sick

Mingyu twitched a little feeling uncomfortable and clammy all over. He cracked his eyes open for a while and tried to sit up and Jeonghan helped him immediately "Hey buddy how do you feel?"

"Like I've been thrown out an airplane, hit the concrete floor and run by a bus"

Jeonghan chuckled "You do look like you've been been thrown out an airplane, hit the concrete floor and run over by a bus actually"

"My head hurts so bad" Mingyu held his head in his hands and Seungcheol had to ask "Mingyu do you want to go see a doctor? This is so sudden what happened exactly?"

"I don't know what happened honestly, I'm just ... tired I'd rather go to my room"

"Okay but at least eat and and take some painkillers first"

Mingyu nodded and did what he was told, he didn't understand what was happening to him in the first place and just followed as Jeonghan passed him the painkillers and took a few spoons from whatever he could swallow down his throat.

He laid down on his bed feeling his muscles tensing up, he wondered what got into him so suddenly. He tried to think, was the continue practice? Or that cold night where he had to wear nothing but a tshirt? Or not being able to sleep for days on the row
Maybe it's all of them combined?

He was getting lost in his thoughts when the door to his room was gently opened and Wonwoo, his roommate, walked in quietly thinking Mingyu was asleep

"I thought you're sleeping, sorry" Wonwoo immediately apologized flashing Mingyu a smile
"Don't worry about it, it's okay" Mingyu was always sweet with Wonwoo, the older has always been very gentle and calm and Mingyu respected that

"How are you feeling?" Wonwoo asked coming to sit next to his roommate bed

"I'm okay, just tired I guess I'll sleep it off"

Wonwoo hummed reaching his hand to press his palm against Mingyu's forehead "You're warm Min, it's really high"

With a smirk on his face, Mingyu just wanted to the opportunity and laugh about it "Are you saying I'm Hot? Cause you know I can't deny that"

Wonwoo scoffed "That's Not what I said" Mingyu laughed, he can't say that he didn't enjoy that "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself"

"But seriously though, what's going on? do you want us to believe that you're just down with a fever?"

Mingyu sighed, his smile fading away trying to listen to his body for a second "I guess so, because I honestly can't think of anything else"


"I don't know what to tell you Wonwoo I really don't know"

Wonwoo sighed "Okay, but you'll tell me if anything else comes up?"

Mingyu nodded "Of course I will"

Wonwoo looked worried but he believed Mingyu, for now at least "Okay, I'll be around if you need me, let me get you a cold compress"

"I appreciate it"

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