Wonwoo 2

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"Hey Won talk to me" Mingyu held Wonwoo's hand tight into his own making him open his eyes to look at him "What else hurts? Is it just your head?"


"I know I know" ... "Anything else? A headache? Stomachache?"

Wonwoo hummed, not able to say more than what he already did and Mingyu tightened his grip around his hand even more "Okay" he whispered scanning Wonwoo's dull face full with worry. He reached his free hand to press his palm against Wonwoo's forehead and down to his neck "You're a bit warm but it doesn't seem to be a fever" he mumbled "Let me get you a blanket, you should stay comfortable"

Wonwoo was more than grateful to have Mingyu by his side. He blinked trying his all to stay awake, pushing the sleepiness away and trying to keep his mind focused.
He was breathing heavily and it was getting harder and harder to keep his panting breaths under control, he saw Mingyu come back next to him, covering him with a blanket up to his waist and was talking to him but it was so difficult to follow what the younger was saying anymore.

Wonwoo was slowly getting pulled into darkness, he tried to stay awake for as long as he could. He tried to follow Mingyu's voice when he called for him, when he shook him and cupped his cheeks, but he couldn't and in the end, he lost the fight, the feeling was too strong and Wonwoo was too tired.

Mingyu was petrified, he was feeling better when Wonwoo was awake but no matter how hard he tried to wake him up now, Wonwoo wasn't responsive and he counted the seconds until Seungcheol finally arrived.

He met him at the door with the most worried eyes and guided him and the doctor in a hurry inside to where Wonwoo was laying on the couch. Mingyu tried to explain what happened, his voice all shaky and scared.
Seeing him in such condition, Seungcheol took his hand and backed a few feet away from Wonwoo giving the doctor some space to start his checkup.

"Mingyu? Calm down look at me" Seungcheol was worried for both of them now "He'll be fine okay? I need you to be here with me, walk me through what happened"

Mingyu took a deep breath to calm himself down and told his leader everything. The doctor listened carefully as he continued checking on Wonwoo's vitals and oxygen intake.
"He's blood pressure BP is extremely low" the doctor stated "That explains the dizzy spells and fainting"

The doctor hurried to put a pillow under Wownoo's legs to elevate the blood pressure to his brain, he was already wearing comfortable pyjamas so nothing was blocking his breaths.

"He's dehydrated and probably overworked himself" ... "I'm giving him a saline, it will help bring the blood pressure up again" ... "He'll wake up soon so don't worry"

Both Mingyu and Seungcheol heaved a sigh, they merely watched from a distance as the doctor hooked Wonwoo on the saline drips. He kept monitoring his vitals and waited for the medication he gave him through the saline fluid to kick in.

It's been around 20 minutes, Wonwoo opened his eyes for a brief moment, the doctor wasted no time to check on him and Wownoo was responding well but he was still adjusting to everything around him.

"Hello there" Seungcheol greeted the second he was given space to talk to Wownoo "Still feeling dizzy?"

Wonwoo hummed closing his eyes for a moment "You'll be okay you just need to rest" ... "You almost gave Mingyu a heart attack though" Seungcheol scoffed and Wonwoo frowned but smiled through it

"It's not funny" came Mingyu's voice behind Seungcheol "I was really worried when you fainted and I couldn't get you to wake up"

"I'm ssory" Wonwoo sounded exhausted but wanted to apologize anyways. Mingyu sighed hearing his friend's weak voice "It's okay buddy" he reached his hand to play with Wonwoo's hair a little, soothing his pounding headache "You'll be okay, just rest for now"

Wonwoo hummed and closed his eyes, feeling Mingyu's fingers playing through his hair helping him a little with his headache. The doctor came by a while later "Let him rest for tonight, he'll still be a little hazy and tired, just make sure he doesn't stand up too quickly or wonder on his own, it's best if he stays in bed laying down" ..."Make him drink a lot of fluids and help him stay warm and comfortable"

Scoups nodded listening to the doctor's instructions while Mingyu was still sitting by Wonwoo's side. The boy was still too dizzy to leave the sofa so they let him stay there until he felt better to actually stand up and go to his bed.

The doctor left after making sure that Wownoo's Blood Pressure was going back on track, he recommended that he eats well before taking his tablets and just stay in bed.

Wonwoo woke up when someone gently nudged at his shoulder. When he opened his eyes, he was met by Minghao. Scoups informed the rest of the members via their group chat, he told them about Wonwoo's condition and just fifteen minutes later, Minghao showed up at their door even though Scoups told them that he's doing fine and resting, Minghao couldn't just sit at home while his best friend was sick.

Wonwoo looked a bit puzzled upon seeing the Chinese boy "I was free so I came to see how you're doing"
Wonwoo smiled "Thanks" he mumbled still feeling a bit hazy but better than earlier
"Mingyu heated up dinner, Coups went out to get your medicine, you need to eat before having them"

Wonwoo nodded but couldn't help himself to sit up, he was afraid he would fall right back into the sofa.
"I'll help you up ... Slowly~~~~ okay?"
Wonwoo wasn't really fond of the idea but he nodded taking Minghao's help. The younger wrapped a hand around Wonwoo's frail body and slowly was about to sit him up when Mingyu hurried to put another arm around Wownoo securing him completely.

Wownoo groaned as his headache wasn't completely gone but he was okay after a while "Gentle okay?" Mingyu mumbled fixing Wownoo's hair. Minghao stood up leaving the two together and went about the kitchen to set the food on the living room table in front of Wonwoo.

Minutes later, Scoups joined them, he came back with a small bag in his hand from the pharmacy. He walked over to Wownoo to check on him only to find him in good hands munching on his food "I'm glad you're doing better Won" the leader smiled softly scanning Wonwoo's tired face.

Once he was done, Coups passed him his prescribed medication and Mingyu slowly helped him to his feet. Minghao by his side holding his hand, they walked to Wownoo's bedroom where he simply laid him down to rest his throbbing head on his pillow and feeling as his exhausted body sunk into the bed.
Minghao placed the pillow once again under Wonwoo's legs and covered him tightly with his blanket. He offered to stay up with him until he fell asleep and he and Mingyu can swap later.

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