Hoshi, DK & Seungkwan BSS

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Car accident
Mention of blood and distress ❗️
Requested by kkavhae 


Everything happened so quickly and it was terrifying.

It's was a little past 2am, the boys wrapped up their BSS schedule and were on their way to the hotel where they'll be spending the night.
Hoshi, DK and Seungkwan were finally on their way to get some rest for the night with Hoshi in the passenger seat, DK and Seungkwan both in the backseat while their driver took the wheel.

They were a bit loud at first, chatting among each other but soon, they quieted down, all of them a bit tired from today's work. Seungkwan was watching through the window, the city lights and people passing by, he glanced over at DK, he was on his phone and Hoshi seemed to be dozing off in the front seat but something felt a bit strange.

The car was moving but ... in the wrong direction?

"Excuse me?" Seungkwan called softly to the driver ... "I think we're going a little off the road don't you think?"

The driver didn't reply and Seungkwan frowned, they were clearly getting off the road "Excuse me" Seungkwan called again and this time the driver seemed to have realized his actions and straightened up "Sir, did you dose off on the wheel?" Seungkwan questions and DK looked up from his phone worried ... what did just happen?

"Don't be ridiculous" the driver cleared his throat and sounded offended but before Seungkwan could say another word, the sound of loud breaks sent all of them in shivers.

All Seungkwan remember is seeing blinding lights and just like that ... a loud crashing noise was heard.

The car flipped

The sound of broken glass shattering, other cars honking at them, the blinding lights and then ... the ambulance

DK opened his eyes
The car was upside down and so was everyone else.

His first reaction was a panicked scream "SEUNGKWAN? SOONYOUNG?"

He to detangle himself from the seat belts, but could barely move. He felt a bit of a sting on his left arm, he hissed but didn't care "SEUNGKWAN?" He called again for the younger on his side. He could clearly see him, Seungkwan's eyes were closed, his head against the window and he was bleeding from his forehead, blood dripping to his jaw.

DK was terrified and was even more terrified when he couldn't see Hoshi. He was in the front seat, just in front of him and he couldn't see him. He reached his hand to slightly pull on Seungkwan's shirt ignoring the piercing pain in his upper arm.

He called the younger's name a couple of times until Seungkwan shifted a little bit and opened his eyes. At first, he was disoriented and unfocused but DK kept talking to him asking him if he was okay and Seungkwan regained his awareness a while later
"I'm okay" he mumbled sounding a bit confused still, but steady enough to talk

"You're bleeding Kwan, does it hurt?"

"I'm dizzy" he replied softly "Hoshi? Where's Hoshi?"

"I can't see him, he's not answering me"

Seungkwan went silent for a second "Soonyoung ahhhhh" he called again, his voice pained and broken making DK about to lose his mind. The silence was dreadful and there was no sign or any movement from Hoshi. Seungkwan was about to start crying "Please Soonyoung" he whispered and DK reached out to hold his hand "He'll be okay, we are okay" The older tried to be strong, neither of them could see Hoshi or reach out to him, Seungkwan was crying rivers already and DK tried his best to remain calm ... until the sirens were heard.

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