Jeonghan 2

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Seungcheol tried his mighty best to be as gentle as possible. Joshua run to him earlier with an expression he wishes he never sees again, something was definitely very wrong.

Jeonghan was on his bed curled up in a fetus position, looking paler than usual, eyes closed shot, with sweat droplets all over his temples.
He looked in so much plain that Joshua couldn't even start to understand where it was coming from and gave up a while later when he couldn't get any responses from Jeonghan.

Seungcheol sprinted to the room, eyeing Jeonghan up and down for a while before he reached out for him. His palm against the boy's cheeks feeling the warm skin and frowning deeply in the process. He tried to uncover him from under the blankets only to find him hugging himself and his stomach tightly.

"Jeonghan?" He called the boy's name softly but gained no reply, he called again and again, shaking him gently not wanting to cause him anymore pain until Jeonghan finally woke up.

Seungcheol was rocking him back and forth in his embrace. Jeonghan was shivering in his arms when he asked him if he could walk. The leader was determined to get the sick boy to a hospital. He glanced over at Jun standing behind him and ordered "Get the car ready downstairs" and to Joshua sitting next to Jeonghan on the bed "Get me his jacket and shoes"

The two did just that.

Jeonghan was panting softly against Seungcheol's shoulder as the older calmed him down. He felt Joshua come back with what the Leader asked and Jeonghan pushed himself off the comfort of Seungcheol's shoulder.
He weakly put on his jacket with Joshua's help and the Leader supporting him with an arm around his shoulders.

He suddenly curled up again.

Leaning forward with a hand clutching on his abdomen, a sharp sting rushed through his body unexpectedly and he couldn't muffle the sounds anymore. He screamed.

It took him a minutes to calm down again, before he put his shoes on and slowly, very slowly was picked up. He was on his feet but hardly could move on his own.

Seungcheol glanced at the door, Mingyu was standing unmoving with a worried look on his face "Jun has the car ready downstairs" the younger announced a few seconds later, as if he was taking the time to process the situation. The leader nodded still having his hands full with helping Jeonghan to his feet at the moment.

Him and Joshua walked Jeonghan outside, the other looking pale and weak, he couldn't walk steadily and they had to stop whenever Jeonghan had to muffle yet another painful scream.
They weren't sure how they reached the car but they finally did, and Coups was in a very serious mood and simply commanded "DRIVE"

Jun did, he rushed all of them to the ER, already calling them in advance to tell them they were on the way so a doctor and a couple of nurses were waiting for them when they arrived.
Jeonghan was shivering the entire ride there, his hands pressed against his stomach and head resting in Joshua's lap while Scoups keeping a close eye on him from the passenger's seat.

Seeing the state the was in, the doctor immediately rushed him to the examination room.
Jeonghan had a fever of 39.3 degrees and was shivering badly.
At first, they suspected a torn appendix or food poisoning but it wasn't ... it was an infection causing an open soreness in his stomach.

It was definitely curable, so they immediately took him inside to start the treatment.

They waited outside for a couple of hours. But they knew that he was going to be okay, Jeonghan was getting the treatment and needed some time to rest.
They'll see him soon
They kept repeating it but deep inside they were still not over the whole situation.
Their hearts and prayers were with him the entire time

Joshua sat on the waiting room chair merely staring into space, Jun by his side keeping him company while Scoups was restless going in and out of the room asking for updates.
And they finally got one and the nurse reassured them that Jeonghan was doing better. They started the treatment and he was still very weak but responding well.
Currently, he was under painkillers and antibiotics which were starting to kick in so naturally, Jeonghan was exhausted.

They could see him but the doctor insisted that they keep quiet and not to disturb him. Jeonghan needed to rest for now.
They promised to be as quiet as possible and the doctor let them in.

They quietly went inside the room as promised. It was a bit small with only a small two seater sofa and a chair by Jeonghan's bed.
The room was dark and a bit colder than normal and Jeonghan looked even smaller in his hospital bed.
He was lying on the single hospital bed covered with the plain white blanket hospitals usually provide, his eyes closed but awake ... he was tired.

Seungcheol occupied the small chair by Jeonghan's bed. His arms were exposed on both sided with the one closest to Seungcheol attached to a couple of tubes. The leader didn't hesitate to hold the other's hand almost immediately. Still warm, he noted and looked for a reaction that came in the form of a whine and soon Jeonghan cracked his eyes open for a split second, enough to glance over at Seungcheol by his side.

"Hey" he softly called, his voice the softest Jeonghan has ever heard followed by Jun and Joshua's hushed tones saying almost the same and throwing a "How are you feeling?"

He tried to answer, the painkillers were definitely kicking in because he felt "bbetter" ... "ddizzzy"

"Yeah" The leader gave him an awkward laugh trying to ease the mood "That's probably the medication doings"
Patting his head softly, Seungcheol figured that the medicine was yet to bring Jeonghan's fever down and the boy looked exhausted still.

"You should rest" Jun suggested and Jeonghan couldn't agree more, he was already drowsy and the pain might be gone for now, but the after effects were definitely taking a troll on him.

Jeonghan didn't say anything, only a soft Hum was heard before he slowly drifted to a much needed sleep.

He'll be okay soon, he just needs to rest, he was responding well to the treatment so far, so it was just a matter of time until he was back on his feet.

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