Hong Joshua

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Handsome and talented, Joshua was one of the pretty faces of Seventeen. He's an amazing vocalist, guitar player and not to mention very handsome.
The one thing he hated the most, however, was those late night dance practices. 

It was an other day for Seventeen, busy as a bee hive, they worked themselves through the day and finally,  they went back to the practice room.
Joshua was totally fine with the extra work that they had to do but he really didn't like the fact that they had to include a late dance practice. After such a long day, he would rather go back to his bed and get a good night sleep. He sighed a little as he stepped out of the van to join the others inside the practice room.

It was another ordinary practice night, even though it felt a little colder than usual for Joshua, but they went through it anyways. The music was pumping throughout the night and everyone was wide awake until almost 2 am.

Joshua dropped on the ice cold floor panting as S.coups finally called it a night. Deep down, Joshua was relieved that the night was over. He slowly stood up and went near the sofa where he left his things, grabbed some clean clothes and walked to the changing room.

To his unpleasant self, someone left the changing room door open on their way out when Joshua was changing. He only realised it when he suddenly felt the freezing air hitting his ribs and he immediately shivered and walked toward the door closing it.

They all walked home that night. The streets were empty and the dorm was not  far so they decided to take a walk together. On their way, they bought few snacks and never stopped bickering. Joshua was smiling the whole time, it was fun, seventeen is fun, his family is amazing.

They got home around 4am. "Wow" S.coups said "We are really late ... I never thought that we would take this much time walking here"

"We didn't" Jeonghan replied "We took so much time bickering though" pointing at Seungkwan who was bickering at Dino who was making fun of Hoshi's moves.

Coups chuckled at the memory and announced "Guys ... it's better if we just go to sleep now, I know that we are free tomorrow morning but we need all the rest we can get"

Everyone agreed and Joshua couldn't agree more. He just took a quick shower, he popped a couple of pills and immediately went to bed. He missed the comfortable feeling of his bed and just slept.

It was 8am but Joshua didn't care less, they didn't have any schedules today and he was way too tired to move his body so he simply surrendered to the feeling.
Some time later, someone was shaking him up. Hoshi, was basically half screaming at his face.
Joshua cracked his eyes open enough to glance at the boy hovering on top of him. He confusedly stared the the younger for a second but soon after that, his eyes were heavy and he drifted back to sleep.

A while later, he was woken up again, this time however, it was S.Coups looking down at him with a frown on his face. He was saying something but Joshua couldn't understand.
The leader's mouth was moving but nothing reached Joshua's ears and few seconds later he went back to sleep again.
It was an uncontrollable feeling, his eyelids were too heavy just really heavy, his mind extremely blurred and body just too exhausted to wake up.

It was getting late and everyone was up except for Joshua so S.coups asked Hoshi to go and check on him but, Joshua wouldn't move.
The older was sound asleep, breaths coming up and down peacefully but no matter how many times Hoshi would call his name or shake him up, Joshua wouldn't move.

Hoshi continued to do so until Joshua opened his eyes, looked directly at him but never said anything and again, he drifted back to sleep.
When Hoshi told his leader that Joshua wasn't waking up, something felt wrong. Joshua would never act this way, it just didn't sound right so S.coups tried to wake him up himself but to no vail.

Jeonghan sighed and checked the other's cheeks and forehead looking for any signs of sickness but Joshua wasn't sick but simply ... sleeping.
Jeonghan tapped a little on the other's cheeks and called his name several times but nothing came out from him.

S.Coups looked around to find that the room was starting to pile up, so he decided to push everyone except Jeonghan outside for the moment.
Dino was heading outside of the room pouting when his feet hit something tossed on the ground.
He leaned forward to pick it up and his eyes widened immediately


His scream terrified everyone including S.Coups who snatched the bottle from the maknae's hands and hurried back to Joshua on the bed eyeing him closely

"I'm calling the managers, and the doctor, maybe an ambulance too"

Jeonghan had a worried expression all over his face, he held Joshua's hands tightly into his own when he realised that the bottle was half empty.

The waiting game was the worst, everyone was outside in the living room merely waiting for the doctor to give them any news. Worried expressions and heavy sighs filled the place

"How could this happen?" Jeonghan questioned gaining the attention of everyone but no one dared to answer.

Minutes later, the doctor walked out the room

"It's nothing dangerous" he finally reassured "I'm glad that he only took 2 pills which are not at all harmful. His body was so tired and the drug had a big effect"

"He'll be up in few hours, his vitals are fine and he's in no danger but I recommend not to let him take those pills again"

S.Coup sighed, he walked inside the living room when the manager left but didn't find anyone, they all went to check on Joshua. He smiled as he saw them hushing each other not to wake or disturb the sleeping boy.

When Joshua woke up, it was to a screaming worried leader nagging all over his head.
He can't remember how many times he apologized and explained that it was only a one time thing because his body was feeling just stiff and he thought that taking those pills would help him relax or at least get a good night sleep.

However, at the same time, he was greatfull, so greatfull to have them around. Scoups lecture went on for too long but he wouldn't settle for less himself. He smiled and promised himself that next time, he will ask to cancel the late dance practice instead.

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