Jeongcheol 🤍

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It was about 5am in the morning

Jeonghan was finally dozing off next to Seungcheol using his bicep as a comfortable pillow.

The two barely got any sleep last night and Jeonghan was particularly so tired.
Seungcheol didn't dare to move, he didn't want to disturb Jeonghan who just began to fall asleep. It's been a long night for both of them, a lot of tears and frustration, and the comfort they found in each other was extremely healing really.

Seungcheol kept brushing Jeonghan's cheeks, trying to erase the trails his tears left behind last night.

He sighed, he hated seeing him like this ... he loved him so much and couldn't get enough of him but not like this.

Jeonghan's parents were rich and powerful making his life miserable day by day, they wanted him to be the best, do only what made them happy and didn't care about what Jeonghan wanted. It frustrated him beyond anything else, he tried to so hard break from their tight grip and Seungcheol supported him and was right there to catch him.

Seungcheol's parents were the owners of the Choi's corporations, something they could use for their advantage. Being in a relationship with Jeonghan meant a possible work merger. And what does two greedy families want more than a butt load of money in return for leaving them alone?

He promised himself not to let Jeonghan's tears fall again.

Funny enough, they met during an annual business dinner.
A ballroom full of greedy businessmen, their wives and children ... mostly fishing for each other's money and hoping that their kids would do the job for them.

Seungcheol couldn't ignore the beauty that looked completely uninterested in the entire show and couldn't wait to know more about him. Jeonghan looked ethereal in that white suite, his blond hair covering his eyes slightly and on the opposite side, Seungcheol looking like a scary mafia boss.

To say the least, Jeonghan hasn't been easy. He definitely didn't want to talk to a scary muscular guy like Seungcheol ... or did he?

Seungcheol was exactly Jeonghan's type, tall, handsome, muscular ... did anyone see the biceps on that guy? And he was dangerous, Jeonghan liked his man dangerous, a man who could protect him and take care of him and that's exactly what he got.

Seungcheol reached out to Jeonghan after that random night and wouldn't take no for an answer.

And it been almost one year.

Jeonghan stirred a little and opened his eyes

"Hi" Seungcheol greeted him immediately placing a peck on top of his head, Jeonghan whined a little wanting to go back to sleep but the other knew just how stressed out Jeonghan was and probably would be in and out of sleep the entire time

"Come here"

Seungcheol pulled him closer, Jeonghan was basically laying on top of his boyfriend, which he didn't mind and Seungcheol cover both of them tightly

"Jeonghan I can't do this anymore"

Jeonghan snapped, he pushed himself upwards to look at Seungcheol ... his eyes terrified ... all he could think about was Seungcheol leaving him for being too weak, for not being able to defend himself, for making him feel and look bad in front of other powerful businessmen.

Seungcheol cupped his face "Between your parents locking you in a cage and being bullied when I'm not around? I can't handle it anymore ... move in with me"

Jeonghan's face dropped "W-what?"

"Come live with me baby ... you know well enough this apartment is bigger than the two of us and I'll take care of you and your family's greedy demands"

Jeonghan was fighting his tears "I seriously thought you were about to break up with me" he chocked on his words and it made Seungcheol feel terrible

"What NO, what made you think that? I would NEVER"

Jeonghan shook his head "I thought maybe you finally has enough of my whining"

Seungcheol scoffed "Listening to your whining is one my favorite things to do Jeonghan you know that"

He nodded, his forehead dropped colliding with Seungcheol's chest

"So what do you say?"

He chuckled "Yes I'll live with you"

Pulling him even closer, Seungcheol couldn't contain his happiness, hands going up and down Jeonghan's back "Perfect, I'll arrange for it soon okay?"

Jeonghan didn't need to think twice, he nodded against his boyfriend's chest and relaxed to the rythme of his beating heart

"No one will get under your skin ever again" Seungcheol promised

"How about your side of the family?"

"If I tell them you're moving in, it's expected that they'll start talking business with your family ... as long as we are together I don't care what type of arrangement they'll come up with"

"Like a business deal?"

"Of some sort ... but it will work in our advantage don't you think?"

Jeonghan nodded again

"Try to get some sleep?" Seungcheol asked sliding Jeonghan from his chest to his side "I promise I'll take care of you and protect you, I just need my baby to be strong okay?"

Jeonghan nodded again, he loved feeling so tiny next to Seungcheol. His Alpha like aura was addictive and he loved it. He smiled following Seungcheol's instructions to get some sleep while his big handsome boyfriend made him breakfast.

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