Chapter 56 - Sibling Bonds

Start from the beginning

Princess Sophia's frustration boiled over. "What could he possibly be occupied with, other than dabbling in his art?" Her insistence grew more fervent. "OPEN THE DOOR!"

Prince Ethan listened from inside his room, thoughts swirling with frustration. "Why is this happening to me? First Lucas, then father, now Sophia... Why are so many obstacles coming?" he mused. With a resigned acceptance, he declared aloud, "Let her in."

Knowing princess Sophia's indomitable spirit, prince Ethan understood that resistance would be futile. Better to conserve his energy for the inevitable encounter with his younger sister.

As princess Sophia entered, Prince Ethan greeted her with concern. "What brings you here at this hour? It's not proper for a princess to visit a man's room at this hour, even if it's her brother."

Princess Sophia dismissed his worries. "Forget those formalities, brother. A brother's duty is to protect his sister."

Internally, prince Ethan couldn't help but feel the irony. "It's me who needs protection from you," he thought. Aloud, he questioned, "Why do you think you need my protection?"

Seating herself, princess Sophia revealed her distress. "It's Mother. I don't know if you know but mother and Father have arranged for me to marry the Elysian crown prince to secure an alliance for the sovereign route."

Prince Ethan was taken aback. "They didn't inform me of your marriage plans. I only knew Brother Victor was exploring alternative routes to avoid such alliances."

Princess Sophia explained, "Father gave brother Victor a month to find a solution. Until then, he promised not to discuss marriage. But Mother insists I prepare for the wedding, pressuring me daily to select dresses and jewelry. I'm exhausted and frustrated. Help me, brother."

Prince Ethan sighed, a sense of apprehension creeping over him as he felt the weight of Sophia's expectant gaze. "If Mother is determined, how can I possibly sway her..." he began, his voice faltering as his eyes flickered nervously towards Sophia.

Her stare intensified, her eyes narrowing into twin daggers aimed straight at Ethan's heart, her lips curling into a smile that sent shivers down his spine. "What did you say, brother?" Her voice, though soft, dripped with icy venom, chilling him to the bone.

Terrified of provoking her wrath, Ethan recoiled slightly, his heart pounding in his chest as he scrambled to backtrack. "N-nothing," he stuttered, his hands moving swiftly in a futile gesture of denial, "I meant... I'll talk to her." His words stumbled over each other, his voice quivering like a lone candle flame in a gusty wind, as he sought to pacify the storm brewing in his sister's eyes.

Sophia's tone remained firm, her threat echoing through the room, leaving Ethan with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. "You better convince her, brother, or I'll come here every day to disrupt your peace, just as Mother disrupts mine." Her words hung in the air, leaving Ethan feeling a sense of unease at the prospect of his sanctuary invaded by his sister's relentless presence.

After what felt like an eternity, Sophia finally departed from the room. Prince Ethan let out a long breath, feeling the room lighten as her presence dissipated. "She's like a storm when she's angry," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible, a mix of awe and wariness coloring his tone. He rubbed his temples, trying to soothe the tension coiled there.

"She never gives me a choice to say no when she wants something done," he continued, his thoughts drifting to the countless times he had found himself complying with Sophia's demands, unable to resist her forceful will. It wasn't that he didn't love her-all of his siblings held a special place in his heart-but Sophia's tenacity often rendered him powerless.

Prince Ethan mused, 'Her fiery temperament mirrors Brother Victor's.' Memories cascaded through his mind, vivid recollections of the unbreakable bond shared between Sophia and their elder sibling. Victor's influence had not just touched Sophia's life; it had shaped her very being, leaving an indelible mark on her character.

As Ethan reminisced, a blend of nostalgia and admiration washed over him, recalling the countless moments they had shared. Sophia's unwavering devotion to Brother Victor was evident in every gesture, every word of encouragement she uttered, and every moment she spent by his side, basking in his pursuits.

Their horseback escapades stood as a testament to their closeness. Whenever Victor spurred his steed into a thunderous gallop, Sophia would eagerly plead to join him, her laughter echoing with joy as they rode together. In those exhilarating moments, Brother Victor's presence enveloped her in safety, allowing Sophia to spread her arms wide and shout with unrestrained enthusiasm, secure in the knowledge that Victor would never let her fall.

Ethan vividly recalled the infectious delight Sophia exuded in Victor's presence, a reflection of the profound depth of their sibling relationship. It was this bond that had molded her into the formidable and spirited individual she had become.

"She's taken after Brother Victor despite having three brothers," Ethan mused, a blend of pride and apprehension coloring his words. He cherished his siblings deeply, yet couldn't deny the overshadowing presence of Victor, whose strength seemed to eclipse them all. Ethan wondered if he could ever measure up to the standard set by his older brother.

As he dwelled on these thoughts, Ethan felt a sense of disquiet settle within him, a reminder of the intricate power dynamics within their family. Despite his love, there lingered a fear of disappointing Sophia and his elder brother.

Turning his attention to the painting, Ethan deliberated his next move. "Should I go now?" he mused aloud, glancing at the door. "But by now, she's likely already retired for the night." Frustration crept into his voice as he continued, "Yet, I've been wanting to show this to Serena for two days now." With a heavy sigh, he reluctantly conceded, "Forget it. I'll endeavor to show it to her tomorrow." Settling back into his chair, Ethan couldn't shake the disappointment of yet another missed opportunity.

In another part of the palace, Aviva's concern for Serena weighed heavily on her mind. Sensing her distress, she gently probed, "Serena, is something troubling you? You haven't seemed yourself since this morning."

Seeking to deflect attention from her inner turmoil, Serena feigned nonchalance, murmuring, "It's nothing, let's just get some rest." But as soon as Aviva drifted off to sleep, Serena's facade crumbled, her mind buzzing with unspoken fears and unanswered questions.

In the stillness of the night, Serena lay awake, her gaze fixed on the wall opposite her bed. And then, like a ghostly apparition, a shadow flickered across the wall, emanating from the window. With bated breath, Serena remained motionless, her senses heightened as she observed the mysterious figure lurking outside.

As the shadow lingered, Serena's heart pounded in her chest, her mind racing with a flurry of emotions. And then, in a flash, the figure vanished, leaving Serena trembling in its wake.

Determined to uncover the truth, Serena rushed to the window, her pulse racing with adrenaline. But once again, the shadowy figure slipped away into the darkness, leaving Serena with more questions than answers and a sense of unease that refused to be quelled.

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