Chapter 46 - Prince Oliver's Vow

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As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a tapestry of long shadows across the intricately carved walls of the palace, Prince Victor emerged from Prince Oliver's chamber, his heart heavy with a tumult of conflicted emotions illuminated by the ethereal hues of the fading light. Each step felt burdened by the weight of his thoughts, the echoes of their conversation still lingering in his mind like ghosts of the past.

Meanwhile, seated on a weathered stone bench nearby prince Oliver's quarters, serena pondered the enigma that was Prince Victor, her mind weaving through the intricate threads of his demeanor. Yesterday, he had exuded an aura of calm and warmth that enveloped her like a comforting embrace, yet today, his presence seemed veiled in a shroud of coldness and restrained anger, leaving her bewildered and uncertain.

Lost in the labyrinth of her thoughts, Serena was unaware of the approaching footsteps until Prince Victor's towering figure cast a shadow over her form. Startled, she raised her head, her gaze meeting his in the gathering dusk. In that fleeting moment, as the fading light danced across her features, Serena's expression softened, her eyes reflecting the myriad hues of the setting sun like fragments of a forgotten dream.

"Did you hurt him?" she asked, her voice tinged with worry.

"No, I didn't," Prince Victor responded, his voice devoid of emotion. Yet, as if on cue, the sound of shattering echoed from within Prince Oliver's chamber.

Sensing Serena's instinctive urge to rush to Prince Oliver's side, Prince Victor's firm grip on her hand halted her in her tracks. As Alexander darted inside to investigate the disturbance, Prince Victor's grip tightened around Serena's hand.

"Don't worry," Prince Victor reassured her, "he's fine. Perhaps he merely tossed something aside in frustration. There's no need for you to be concerned."

Prince Victor's gaze held a depth that Serena couldn't ignore. "Come with me to my chamber," he continued, his tone gentle yet urgent, "there is something that I want to tell you and ask you."

Serena seeing the intensity of her gaze couldn't refuse, she said, "okay but let go of my hand first"

Prince Victor hesitated to release her hand, but eventually, reluctantly did so. Together, they made their way towards his chamber.

Meanwhile, in Prince Oliver's chamber, Alexander stood before the distraught prince, who, in a fit of anger and despair, had just hurled a beautiful pot to the ground, shattering it into many pieces.

"Please, Your Highness, calm down," Alexander urged, his voice laced with concern as he observed the scene before him.

Prince Oliver then loosened the knot of his regalfold and noticed the red bruise where Prince Victor had pushed him. He gently stroked his hand over it, examining the injury.

Observing this, Alexander inquired, "Your Highness, did Prince Victor cause this? Should I summon Dr. Owen?"

Prince Oliver waved his hand dismissively, replying, "No, Alexander, it's fine. Just a minor injury; it will heal. You may leave now."

"But, Your Highness..." Alexander began.

"I assure you, I am fine. I simply need some time alone to collect my thoughts," Prince Oliver insisted.

Alexander nodded, reluctantly accepting Prince Oliver's words. "I'll send someone immediately to clean the shattered pot," he offered, eager to ease the tension in the room.

However, Prince Oliver's voice cut through the air with authority. "Don't send anyone. I told you to go and leave me alone, Alexander."

Feeling the weight of Prince Oliver's command, Alexander bowed his head respectfully. This time, he could sense that further words would only serve to exacerbate the prince's distress. With a silent nod, he turned on his heel and left the chamber, leaving Prince Oliver to grapple with his emotions in solitude.

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