Chapter 43 - The Cryptic Clue

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In the heart of the kitchen, Serena's dedication culminated in the creation of the Royal Garden Delight, infusing the air with its tantalizing aroma. Each ingredient was meticulously handled, each step taken with care as she prepared the dish for Prince Oliver.

Emerging from the kitchen's warmth, Serena was greeted by the brilliance of the midday sun, a harbinger of the transition from spring to summer. The gentle caress of the warm breeze hinted at the impending change of seasons as she navigated her way towards Prince Oliver's quarters.

At the door, Alexander, the head guard, escorted Serena and announced her arrival to the prince. "Your lunch is here, Your Highness," he declared before knocking on the chamber door.

"Enter," came Prince Oliver's response, his attention consumed by the task at hand. Serena stepped into the room, tray in hand, her presence going unnoticed by the prince engrossed in his work.

Concern etched her features as she asked Prince Oliver. "How are you, Your Highness?" she inquired softly, mindful of his health.

Startled, Prince Oliver looked up, surprised by Serena's presence. "I'm fine, Serena. Why do you ask?" he responded, curiosity flickering in his eyes.

Serena hesitated, unwilling to reveal Alexander's divulgence about the prince's health. Instead, she immersed herself in her duty, stepping closer to the desk where Prince Oliver sat amidst the chaos of scattered books and papers. With a graceful gesture, she sought permission, "May I place this tray here?" Her eyes met his, an unspoken request for sanctuary amidst the clutter.

"Ah, yes, please," Prince Oliver responded, a fleeting smile gracing his lips as he quickly cleared a space for the tray. Serena, meticulous in her movements, delicately arranged the dishes.

Observing the heavy tray of meal before him, Prince Oliver's heart swelled with a mix of gratitude and concern. "Why did you bring lunch yourself today? Where are the attendants?" he inquired, torn between appreciation for Serena's gesture and worry for her burden.

"I wanted to bring something special for you today," Serena confessed softly, unveiling the centerpiece of the lunch—the Royal Garden Delight.

Prince Oliver's reaction was immediate and profound. Disbelief mingled with joy as he beheld the familiar dish. Tears threatened to betray his emotions, yet a genuine smile adorned his features. "How did you make this? This is my mother's recipe, how did you..." His words trailed off in wonder.

Serena's own face mirrored his happiness. "Forget about the questions, just try it first. I don't know if it's made correctly or not, so I'm sorry if it's not goo..." Before she could finish, Prince Oliver eagerly took a hearty bite, consuming it like a child.

"Eat slowly, Prince Oliver, otherwise, you'll choke," Serena cautioned, her concern evident as she watched him devour the dish.

But in that moment, Prince Oliver was lost in the flavors, transported back to cherished memories of his mother's kitchen. With each bite, the weight of royalty melted away, leaving only the simple pleasure of indulging in a beloved dish.

Serena, watching his serene immersion, basked in a sense of fulfillment and warmth. As a stray dribble of vegetable juice graced the prince's lips, she acted on instinct, retrieving a handkerchief from her pocket to gently wipe it away. In that fleeting moment, his princely status faded, leaving only a person in need of care.

Her unexpected gesture took him by surprise, causing his heart to flutter and momentarily disrupting his usual composure. The tender action stirred emotions he had long recognized but had kept reserved. Meanwhile, Prince Oliver, mid-chew, nearly choked, his attention abruptly diverted by the unexpected turn of events.

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