Chapter 65 - Journey into the Unknown

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"I'm sorry for being selfish, but can you manage to ride a horse on your own? I want to accompany Prince Oliver," Alexander apologized to Serena, his concern for Prince Oliver evident in his tone.

Prince Oliver interjected, "Alexander, you shouldn't behave like this. I think one of us should accompany her."

However, for the first time in both of their lives, Alexander didn't want to heed Prince Oliver's advice. He was determined to ensure Prince Oliver's safety above all else. Forcefully, Alexander helped Prince Oliver onto a horse and positioned himself behind him, tightly gripping Prince Oliver's body with his own.

Serena observed the scene, feeling a twinge of sadness, but understanding that Alexander's actions were driven by his sense of duty. With resolve, she mounted the other horse, her first time doing so, but she managed it with grace.

As Prince Oliver witnessed the flicker of uncertainty across Serena's face, a pang of empathy seized his heart. Gently, he turned to Alexander, his voice barely a whisper, "You know that I love her, right?"

Alexander's expression softened, a flicker of surprise dancing in his eyes at this unexpected revelation. It was a rare moment of vulnerability from Prince Oliver, who had always kept his deepest emotions tightly guarded. Yet now, in this instance of unfiltered honesty, he entrusted Alexander with his innermost feelings.

"I know, Your Highness," Alexander replied softly, his voice suffused with understanding and empathy. He had long sensed the depth of Prince Oliver's affection for Serena, even before this candid admission.

Prince Oliver pressed on, his voice tinged with a mixture of longing and anguish, "If anything were to happen to her, I'd lose the only thing that is left in my life that I want for myself and want to live for. I don't know if I could bear it."

Alexander's heart swelled with empathy as he listened to Prince Oliver's heartfelt confession. It was a departure from his usual demeanor, a testament to the depth of his love for Serena.

As time slipped away, Alexander's eyes darted around, urgently seeking a solution. Amidst the surroundings, his gaze alighted upon a coil of rope near the stable-a promising answer to their predicament.

"Give me a moment, I've got an idea," he called out to Prince Oliver and Serena, his tone firm. With swift action, Alexander dismounted from the horse and retrieved the rope.

With practiced skill, he began to fashion a tether, deftly looping the rope around the saddles of both horses. Ensuring each knot was secure, Alexander made certain that Serena's horse would stay tethered to theirs, preventing it from wandering off and Serena from losing her way.

With the makeshift tether completed, Alexander wasted no time in remounting the horse, his movements swift and purposeful. "Let's go," he urged, his voice urgent as they resumed their journey, every moment critical in their race against time.

Serena, having never ridden a horse before, held on tightly as the horse surged forward at a rapid pace. With each powerful stride, she clung to the reins, her inexperience evident in her uncertain movements. Yet, Alexander's firm guidance provided her with a semblance of stability, his reassuring presence guiding her through the exhilarating journey towards their destination.

Meanwhile, the palace trembled with turmoil as the unsettling news of the eldest prince's disappearance rippled through its halls. With a sense of urgency gripping his heart, the king hastily convened a meeting, summoning his trusted people: Adam, the stalwart commander of the palace guards, and Prince Liam and Prince Miles.

Addressing Adam with a voice heavy with frustration and worry, the king demanded answers, "How could this happen? You are entrusted with the security of this palace, yet my son has vanished under your watchful gaze."

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