Chapter 60 - Prince Julian's Revelations

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As Prince Victor's mind churned with questions, he couldn't help but voice his concerns to his brother, Julian. "How did you come by this knowledge? Are you concealing something from me?" he inquired, his gaze fixed intently on his cousin.

Prince Julian met his brother's gaze with a solemn expression, acknowledging the weight of his inquiry. "Yes, there are truths that have remained concealed, but today, I will reveal them to you," he replied, his tone measured. Seating himself once more, he motioned for Victor to join him, signaling the beginning of a tale long kept in shadow.

The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as Prince Victor eagerly took his place, his senses tuned to the rhythm of Prince Julian's impending revelation, like a parched traveler drawn to the distant rumble of thunder promising rain.

Prince Julian said, "For you to truly grasp the essence of the narrative, we must first confront the heart-wrenching tragedy that befell Elysia kingdom-the untimely demise of King Theodosius and Queen Eleanor, the esteemed predecessors of Elysia's throne."

Leaning in with solemn intensity, he prepared himself to divulge the tragic tale of Elysia to his cousin. Clearing his throat, he began to unfold the narrative of sorrow and betrayal.


Fifteen years ago

In the realm of Elysia, the land trembled beneath the shadow of impending doom. Leopold, the disgraced half-brother of King Theodosius, conspired his triumphant return, his exile a breeding ground for a sinister hunger for power. Commander Marcus, his ambitious accomplice, stood by his side, their pact woven with deceit and treachery.

"We are on the precipice of destiny, my dear Marcus," Leopold muttered, his voice dripping with malice. "The throne shall soon be mine."

Commander Marcus nodded, his features twisted in a cruel smirk. "Indeed, my lord. The kingdom shall tremble beneath your rule."

Meanwhile, within the sanctuary of their chambers, King Theodosius and Queen Eleanor grappled with the harsh reality of their impending demise. Queen Eleanor's voice trembled with emotion as she clasped her husband's hand tightly.

"It pains me to do this, my love," she whispered, her voice barely above a whisper. "But we must protect our children at all costs."

King Theodosius gazed into her eyes, his own filled with a mixture of love and sorrow. "Our children's safety is paramount. We must entrust them to those we trust with our lives."

Amidst the turmoil of war, they crafted a desperate strategy to shield their heirs. Entrusting their beloved offspring, Prince Theodore, aged 10 at the time, and Princess Serena, less than three years old, to the care of their most loyal confidants, they took a calculated risk. Disguising two other children in regal attire, they secured them within the confines of the King's chamber, bearing the burden of their sacrifice with heavy hearts.

Queen Eleanor's protective instinct, cultivated since birth, guided her to conceal her children's faces from all but a select few trusted servants and guards.

This precaution ensured that even amidst the turmoil, Leopold remained ignorant of their true identities, safeguarding their legacy from his treachery.

As the battle raged outside, the king and queen fought valiantly, their swords flashing in the dwindling light of the setting sun. But even as they fell to the onslaught of Leopold's forces, fate wove its cruel tapestry, and they met their demise with swords piercing through their bodies, their spirits departing with the fading rays of daylight.

Leopold, his heart consumed by darkness, sought out the royal children with a fervor born of twisted ambition. His footsteps echoed ominously through the deserted corridors, the very air thick with the scent of impending tragedy.

Love, Thrones, and Past Intrigue: A Reverse Harem AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang