Chapter 14 - A Brother's Letter

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As Serena rushed to her uncle's side, her heart fluttered with anticipation. With trembling hands, she reached for the letter, her fingers brushing against the parchment. As she tore open the seal, her eyes scanned the words, her heart swelling with joy, as she read the letter.

"My dearest Serena," the letter began, written in her brother's distinctive handwriting. "Your letter reached me just in time, and I couldn't be happier to hear from you. I have been eagerly anticipating your birthday, as it's the one day of the year I always look forward to returning home. I am thrilled to inform you that I will indeed be coming home to celebrate your special day with you. I have made arrangements to arrive a day before your birthday, and I plan to be there in the afternoon. I cannot wait to see you and share in the joy of your 18th birthday celebration. Until then, please take care of yourself, dear sister. Know that you are always in my thoughts, and I eagerly await the moment when we can be together again. Your brother Aaron."

Tears of happiness welled up in Serena's eyes as she read her brother's heartfelt words. The news of his impending arrival filled her with a sense of warmth, easing the ache of his absence. Clutching the letter to her chest, she turned to her uncle with a radiant smile.

"He's coming, Uncle," she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion."I was truly sad when he said maybe this year he won't be able to come, but now that he is coming, I'm so happy."

Her uncle beamed with delight, his own eyes glistening with tears of happiness. "Oh, Serena, I'm so happy for you," he said, enveloping her in a tight embrace. "It will be another unforgettable celebration this year, just like every year."

With her heart brimming with joy and gratitude, Serena could hardly contain her excitement. As she made plans for Aaron's homecoming, the anticipation of their reunion filled her with an overwhelming sense of happiness. Each year, Aaron's presence made her birthday truly special, and this year would be no exception.

Serena's mind buzzed with plans. "My birthday is in 4 days, so he'll come after 3 days. I have to prepare so many things, Uncle," she said eagerly.

Her uncle chuckled softly. "You don't need to do anything special, Serena. Aaron is just coming to see you."

But Serena was determined. "I know, but I want everything to be perfect for him. I want to clean the house and his things so he can feel at home right away. And I want to make his favorite dishes."

Her uncle smiled indulgently. "Alright, Serena. If it makes you happy, then go ahead. But don't tire yourself out too much."

Serena nodded eagerly, her excitement bubbling over. She dusted every surface, polished every piece of furniture, making sure it was warm and inviting.

As she worked, Serena's mind wandered to the dishes she wanted to prepare. "I'll go to the market tomorrow to buy the ingredients," she thought to herself. "For now, I'll focus on getting the house ready."

As Serena meticulously cleaned her house, ensuring everything was perfect for her brother's arrival, across the palace in the 5th prince Ethan's chamber, a different kind of artistry was unfolding.

Prince Ethan stood before his easel, his brush dancing across the canvas with practiced precision. With each stroke, he brought to life the beauty of the landscape, his mind focused and his heart absorbed in the creative process.

As the painting neared completion, a mysterious smile played upon Prince Ethan's lips. Gazing at the masterpiece before him, he murmured, "Beautiful."

Just then, a sudden knock echoed through the chamber, interrupting the tranquil atmosphere. Prince Ethan's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly moved to conceal the painting, his heart racing with the urgency of secrecy.

"Who is it?" he called out, his voice composed despite the sudden interruption.

The door creaked open, and a servant stepped inside, bowing respectfully. "Your Highness, Lucas is here to see you," the servant announced.

Prince Ethan nodded, his demeanor calm and collected. "Thank you, you may show him in."

As the servant left to retrieve Lucas, Prince Ethan took a moment to compose himself, ensuring that no trace of his secret was visible. When Lucas entered the chamber, Prince Ethan greeted him with a warm smile, masking the flurry of emotions churning beneath the surface.

"Lucas, what a pleasant surprise," Prince Ethan said, his voice steady, as his friend entered the chamber.

Lucas returned the smile, his eyes flickering with curiosity as they landed on the traces of paint on Prince Ethan's hand. "Were you making an art piece?" he inquired, his gaze lingering on the concealed painting.

Prince Ethan hesitated for a moment, then replied smoothly, "Yes, but it's not complete yet, so I can't show it to you."

Respecting his friend's hesitance, Lucas nodded and smoothly changed the subject. "Fair enough. If art isn't monopolizing your time, could we chat?" he inquired, motioning towards the vacant chair.

"Of course," Prince Ethan replied, gesturing for Lucas to take a seat.

Once settled, Lucas leaned forward, his expression serious. "Ethan, I have a business-related problem, and I could really use your advice."

Prince Ethan's brow furrowed with concern. "Of course, Lucas. What's troubling you?"

"Well, you know how I've been considering investing in real estate," Lucas began, his voice measured. "I've come across a street that I believe could be very profitable in the future. However, there's a complication."

"What kind of complication?" Prince Ethan asked, leaning in attentively.

Lucas sighed, running a hand through his hair. "The street I'm interested in has an old repository, a Royal property. While its availability is uncertain, the location is too enticing to overlook. I was hoping you could advise me on how to approach the situation."

Prince Ethan nodded thoughtfully, considering Lucas's dilemma. "I see. Perhaps proposing an alternative location in exchange for the desired one could be advantageous. Do you have any ideas for suitable properties you could suggest?"

Lucas nodded, his eyes lighting up with hope. "Yes, I've already identified a few options that I think could be appealing."

Prince Ethan nodded assuredly. "If you have another place to offer, then I think I can help you. Just leave it to me. Give me some time, and your problem will definitely be solved."

Lucas's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. "Thank you, Ethan. I knew I could count on you."

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