Chapter 3 - Echoes Of Forest

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Prince Oliver, his eyes reflecting a mixture of regret and yearning, admitted, "For 21 years, I've been barred from playing with fellow princes or venturing beyond the palace walls, all because of my frail heart since infancy. I merely craved a taste of liberty, if only for a fleeting moment. If this mishap hadn't occurred..."

Interrupting their conversation, the tall figure of a young man with an anxious countenance strode into the room. It was 3rd Prince Liam, who arrived unannounced, his curiosity piqued by the word 'mishap.' He raised an eyebrow and inquired, "Mishap? What mishap?"

Prince Oliver, slightly surprised by his unexpected visitor, began to recount the day's events. As Prince Oliver's tale unfolded, the atmosphere in the room grew heavy with anticipation and concern. His words flowed like a gentle stream, painting a vivid picture of the events that had unfolded in the depths of the forest.

"It all started with a glimpse of a painting," Prince Oliver began, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia. "In 5th Prince Ethan's room, there hung a magnificent depiction of the forest, its lush greenery and cascading waterfall beckoning to me. Ethan spoke of the tranquility and beauty that awaited amidst the trees, and I found myself longing to experience it firsthand, but since I wasn't allowed to leave the palace, I sneaked out. ."

"Yet, as I ventured deeper into the woods, the serenity of the landscape was shattered by the unexpected roar of a wild beast," Prince Oliver recounted, his tone growing somber. "Startled, my horse bolted, its hooves pounding against the forest floor as it raced through the underbrush. In my haste to regain control, I lost my footing and tumbled from the saddle, the impact sending waves of dizziness washing over me... And then, my horse, startled by the chaos, bolted away into the forest, leaving me stranded and alone."

Pausing for a moment, Prince Oliver's eyes sparkled with a hint of nostalgia as he continued, "But amidst the chaos of the forest, a kind stranger crossed my path. It felt like fate had intervened, guiding me to this benevolent soul in my time of need."

As he spoke, a warmth spread across Prince Oliver's features, his gratitude evident in the soft curve of his smile.

Gesturing towards Alexander, he added, "And then Alexander found me." There was a gentle melancholy in Prince Oliver's eyes as he spoke those words, a hint of reluctance overshadowing his gratitude. It was as if he carried a secret within him, a vulnerability he was hesitant to expose.With a nod of acknowledgment, Alexander accepted the prince's thanks, his own expression reflecting a mixture of relief and concern.

Prince Liam, intrigued by the story, raised an eyebrow. "A kind passerby in the forest? That's quite a fortunate encounter." There was a hint of skepticism in his voice, but he chose not to press further for details." Brother Oliver," he began, his voice tinged with compassion, "you know the risks of venturing beyond the palace walls. Your safety is paramount to us all."

Turning to Dr. Owen, who stood nearby, Prince Liam inquired, "How is he, Doctor? Will he recover fully?"

Dr. Owen, ever the picture of calm professionalism, nodded reassuringly. "The prince's injuries are not severe, Your Highness. With proper rest and care, he should make a swift recovery."

His words were a balm to Prince Liam's worried mind, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

With a subtle gesture, Prince Oliver signaled for imperial physician Owen and Head Guard Alexander to exit the chamber, leaving the two princes in private conversation.

Prince Liam, now seated beside Prince Oliver's bed, exchanged words with him, the atmosphere gradually easing from the initial tension. They shared dinner together before Prince Liam bid Prince Oliver goodnight and departed.

Once alone, Prince Oliver couldn't help but reflect upon the extraordinary events of the day. Although he hadn't experienced the serenity of the forest or the beauty of its waterfall as he had hoped, a sense of contentment enveloped him. His thoughts revolved around serena - her courage, her heartfelt answers, and her boundless compassion. A radiant smile adorned his face, illuminated by the memories of their encounter.

Sleep proved an elusive companion for Prince Oliver on that restless night. His mind, usually a sanctuary of serene contemplation beneath the celestial tapestry of stars, was now a tumultuous sea of thoughts, all centered on the enigmatic Serena.

Unlike past nights when stargazing brought solace in times of turmoil, tonight was different. It was as if Serena had cast a spell over his thoughts, an enchantment that he couldn't escape.

In the dim hours before dawn, as the first faint rays of light began to infiltrate his chamber, Prince Oliver lay awake, haunted by an insatiable yearning. He longed to see her again. Yet, his knowledge of her identity and whereabouts remained frustratingly limited.

As the world outside Prince Oliver's chamber slowly transitioned from the embrace of night to the gentle illumination of dawn, a profound determination welled up within him. He understood that the time for passivity had passed, and he had to unravel the enigma of Serena, the mysterious figure who had entered his life like a beguiling riddle.

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