Chapter 31 - Serena's Dilemma

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As the morning dawned, Serena resumed her duties in the palace kitchen. In the bustling atmosphere of the kitchen, she immersed herself in her work, preparing meals fit for royalty with precision and passion.

As the afternoon sun cast its warm glow through the windows, Serena deftly maneuvered through the bustling kitchen, her focus unwavering on her culinary tasks. However, amidst the orchestrated chaos, a sudden collision occurred as Yeye accidentally spilled soup over Serena's uniform.

"Oh, Serena, I'm so sorry!" Yeye exclaimed, her eyes wide with regret as she hastily dabbed at the spilled soup.

Serena offered a reassuring smile, her tone gentle as she replied, "It's okay, Yeye. These things happen. I'll just go and change my clothes."

With a quick nod of understanding, Yeye continued to apologize profusely as Serena made her way towards the staff bedroom to change. Grateful for her colleague's concern, Serena's forgiveness flowed easily, understanding the accidental nature of the mishap.

As Serena navigated the palace corridors, having just changed her clothes, her ears perked up at the sound of a loud voice echoing from the courtyard, drawing her attention away from her path to the kitchen. Curious, she turned to see Prince Victor standing there, his demeanor seething with anger. Before him knelt a woman, trembling with fear.

"How dare you say it was a mistake!" Prince Victor's voice boomed, his fury palpable. "Do you know how expensive that vase was?"

The woman, visibly shaken, pleaded for forgiveness. Her hands clasped tightly together, fingers trembling as they reached out towards the prince in a desperate plea. She remained in a lowered stance, her body quivering with fear, her head bowed low in submission.

"Please, Your Highness, spare me," she implored, her voice trembling with a mix of desperation and remorse. Her shoulders shook with each word, tears streaming down her cheeks as she begged for mercy.

Prince Victor's laughter cut through the tension, devoid of mercy. His lips curved into a cruel smirk, casting a sinister shadow across his features. "Spare you? And why should I do that?" His voice dripped with disdain, each word laced with icy venom. His piercing gaze bore into the woman, sending shivers down her spine.

"You should receive your punishment to atone for your sins," he continued, his tone growing more menacing with each syllable. The air seemed to grow colder around them as his words hung heavy with malice. There was no hint of compassion in his demeanor, only a thirst for retribution that chilled the very marrow of her bones.

As the scene unfolded before her, Serena watched in horror as Prince Victor's cruelty unfolded. The woman's pleas for mercy tugged at Serena's heartstrings, her own recent interaction with Prince Victor contrasting sharply with the ruthlessness on display.

"I thought he only seemed like a rude person, but actually a good person," Serena thought to herself, her naivety about the true nature of palace life becoming painfully apparent. As she witnessed Prince Victor's callousness, a sinking feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. "But how can someone be so cruel?" she wondered, her mind grappling with the harsh reality unfolding before her. The realization dawned on her that beneath the veneer of royalty lay a darkness she had never imagined, leaving her feeling disillusioned and unsettled.

Serena felt a chill run down her spine at the sight of Prince Victor's malevolent grin as he played with the woman's plea for mercy. "Please spare my life, Your Highness," the woman begged, her desperation evident in her trembling voice.

Taking a deliberate pause, Prince Victor's lips twisted into a cold smile as he savored the woman's anguish. "Sure, I'll spare your life," he replied, his tone dripping with malicious amusement, his eyes gleaming with cruel satisfaction. "Dominic, sell her to the prostitution."

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