Chapter 45 - Game of Strategy: Pitch Pot and Politics

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Serena's gentle touch resting upon Prince Oliver's shoulder, her concern palpable in the air between them. "Prince Oliver, there is something I believe deserves your immediate attention," she begins, her voice carrying the weight of her worry.

Prince Oliver, his brow furrowing with anticipation, turns his gaze towards Serena, urging her to continue. "Please, Serena, share your thoughts," he implores, his voice tinged with urgency.

Serena takes a deep breath, steadying herself before speaking. "If your interpretation of the riddle is accurate, then perhaps the attempt on your life wasn't meant to end it," she posits, her words heavy with implication. "Instead, it may have been orchestrated to provoke you into delving deeper into this investigation. Why else would the assassin divulge their connection to your family's tragic past?"

Prince Oliver's features shift, a mixture of contemplation and realization flickering across his face. "Your insight holds weight, Serena," he concedes, his voice tinged with a newfound understanding.

Undeterred, Serena presses on, her voice steady but tinged with apprehension. "Moreover, it's entirely plausible that the Veridian king has already planted a spy within the palace," she suggests, her words casting a shadow over their surroundings. "Such an act would afford him the ability to monitor your every move and gather intelligence on your investigation into this matter."

As Serena's words settle, Prince Oliver's eyes widen with comprehension. "You're right, Serena," he acknowledges, the weight of realization evident in his voice. "If the king seeks the healer's whereabouts, he would undoubtedly employ such covert tactics. And perhaps the reason for targeting me was his suspicion that I possess knowledge crucial to his aims."

Meeting Prince Oliver's gaze, Serena's own eyes betray her concern for their precarious situation. "If that's the case, I think..." she begins, her voice trailing off as uncertainty clouds her thoughts.

Sensing her hesitation, Prince Oliver offers her a reassuring nod. "I understand, Serena," he interjects, his tone both gentle and resolute. "You believe that continuing this investigation at present may not be the wisest course of action."

Serena nods in agreement, her expression reflecting Prince Oliver's resolve. However, a hint of unease lingers in her demeanor, evident in the furrow of her brow and the press of her lips together.

"What's troubling you, Serena?" Prince Oliver inquires, his concern evident in his voice.

There's a pause as Serena gathers her thoughts, her gaze drifting away momentarily before returning to meet Prince Oliver's eyes. "I think my brother Aaron definitely knows more about Queen Amara's story and the healers, perhaps even about the treasure," she explains. "It would be beneficial if we could access his knowledge to aid our investigation."

Prince Oliver's eyes widen with curiosity at Serena's revelation. "Why do you believe that, Serena? You mentioned earlier that your brother never disclosed the full story to you."

Serena nods, her gaze focused as she recalls a crucial detail from their earlier discussion. "Yes, but there's a point in the book that struck me," she explains. "It mentions that Queen Amara's trusted minister never found the treasure, implying its nonexistence. However, my brother told me that Queen Amara protected the treasure, indicating its existence, which matches more with the riddle."

Prince Oliver's expression lights up with realization. "You're right, Serena. If Queen Amara indeed protected the treasure, then it must exist," he agrees, connecting the dots.

"Furthermore," Serena's voice gained momentum as she delved into her reasoning. "In our childhood, I caught a glimpse of many ancient tomes in Aaron's room. He never permitted me to touch them, yet I glimpsed titles detailing the secrets of distant kingdoms and forgotten histories. Once, he even mentioned that these volumes were extraordinary, beyond the ordinary fare found in the Royal library. Back then, I dismissed it as jest, but now I wonder."

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