Chapter 46 - Unveiling Resentments

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Prince Oliver's unwavering conviction resonated through the room as he spoke, "I have absolute trust in her. That's why I felt comfortable confiding in her about my chronic illness. And your question about the depth of our bond..."

Tension thickened the air, crackling with the surge of Prince Oliver's anger. His body became a coiled spring, ready to unleash its pent-up fury against Prince Victor's demands. Despite the storm brewing within him, Oliver stood firm as an ancient oak, unyielding against Victor's probing.

"I'm not obligated to divulge the extent of our closeness to you," Prince Oliver's words sliced through Prince Victor's heart, each syllable honed to precision, his blue eyes flashing with defiance.

Prince Victor's jealousy ignited into a white-hot fury, his fists clenching so tight that his knuckles turned bone-white. His deep eyes narrowed, the intensity of his gaze burning with frustration and desperation.

"You should tell me," Prince Victor's voice dripped with venom, his hands flailing in exasperation, his gestures exaggerated as he sought to gain control, his curvy lips twisting into a sneer of disdain.

But Prince Oliver remained anchored, his lips pressed into a firm line, a silent barrier against Prince Victor's demands. "I don't owe you any explanations," he retorted defiantly, his voice carrying the unyielding resolve of someone unwilling to be swayed.

Caught in the fray, Serena interjected with a composed demeanor, her voice a soothing counterpoint to the escalating tension. "Why the overreaction?" she calmly queried, her words a beacon of reason in the tumultuous exchange, her annoyance subtly masked beneath her calm facade.

Prince Victor's anger momentarily ebbed away, replaced by a mix of sadness, hurt, and confusion that clouded his gaze. "Why are you siding with him, Serena?" His shoulders slumped, his stance no longer one of confrontation but of dejection. "Is he that important to you?" His voice trembled with emotion, his hands hanging limply at his sides, a silent plea for understanding echoing in the depths of his eyes.

"He holds significance," Serena replied softly, acknowledging the bond she shared with Prince Oliver.

Prince Victor's heart sank at the admission, the weight of disappointment pressing down on him like a heavy burden. He felt his throat dry, a lump forming as he gulped, trying to swallow the bitter taste of letdown. He took a step back, his shoulders drooping under the weight of his own shattered expectations, his chest tightening with the onset of despair. "Serena, please," his voice cracked with desperation, each word escaping his lips with a tremor of anguish. He couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze, his eyes cast downward, unable to bear the pain of his own disillusionment.

"G-go outside and wait for me," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper, his hands trembling at his sides as he struggled to contain the torrent of emotions raging within him. "I need to talk to my brother alone. I don't want you to bear the brunt of my anger." His words hung heavy in the air, laced with dismay. "Just go." Despite the turmoil churning inside him, Prince Victor's voice carried a note of resignation, a silent admission of his own inability to shield himself from the storm brewing within.

Serena hesitated, her gaze shifting between the two brothers. Sensing her uncertainty, Prince Oliver stepped forward. "Yes, Serena, please go," he urged gently, "we need to settle this as brothers. Don't worry; things won't escalate. We'll handle it."

With reluctance, Serena agreed, her steps weighed down by unspoken fears and unresolved grievances. Before leaving, she cast a final glance at Prince Victor, "Don't hurt him again," Serena's words were firm, yet tinged with concern as she left the room, her demeanor reflecting her genuine worry for Prince Oliver's well-being.

Love, Thrones, and Past Intrigue: A Reverse Harem AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora