Chapter 29 - A Chef Among Princes

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As Serena entered the Royal dining hall, her heart raced with a mixture of nerves and excitement. All eyes turned towards her, including those of Prince Oliver, Prince Victor, and Prince Ethan.

Prince Oliver's eyes widened in surprise and delight as he caught sight of Serena. A smile spread across his face, his heart skipping a beat at the unexpected sight of the woman he had grown to care for deeply. "She's even more radiant than I remember. Fate has truly blessed me with her presence," he thought to himself. He couldn't believe his luck that fate had brought Serena into his life like this. His admiration for her only grew as he watched her confidently make her way through the room, her poise and grace captivating him once again.

Prince Victor's initial shock quickly turned to curiosity as he observed Serena from across the room. "Serena, the palace chef... How intriguing," he mused silently. He had been intrigued by her from the moment they first met outside the palace gates, and now seeing her as a palace chef only added to her mystique.

A flicker of recognition crossed Prince Ethan's features as he laid eyes on Serena. "Serena... What is she doing here as a chef?"
Memories of their brief encounter outside the palace flooded his mind, and he found himself drawn to her once again. "She's captivating, even more so now. There's something special about her that I can't resist," he thought to himself.

As Serena gracefully made her way towards the table where the Royal Family members sat, she moved with professionalism and focused solely on her task. Oblivious to the presence of Prince Oliver, Prince Victor, and Prince Ethan, she maintained her composure and approached the table with reverence.

Upon reaching the table, Serena halted with a graceful poise, bowing her head slightly in adherence to the palace's etiquette. "You summoned me, Your Majesty," she uttered in a tone that exuded respect and humility.

The King reciprocated her gesture with a warm smile. "Indeed. And what might your name be?" he inquired gently.

With a demeanor marked by deference, Serena responded, "My name is Serena, Your Majesty."

"Ah, Serena," the King acknowledged, his eyes alight with admiration. "Your culinary creation has delighted the palates of all who have tasted it. Your talent is truly remarkable," he remarked, his voice resonating with authority and appreciation. "I am compelled to reward you for your exceptional skills. What is it that your heart desires?"

Serena's gaze remained steady, yet infused with a sense of gratitude. "Your Majesty, the satisfaction of knowing that my dish has brought joy is already a reward beyond measure," she expressed humbly.

But the King insisted, his gaze kind but firm. "Nonsense. You deserve more than just praise. Tell me, what is your heart's desire?"

Serena hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of the King's expectation upon her. Gathering her courage, she spoke with determination, "Your Majesty, cooking is what I love most. Therefore, if I may be so bold, I would ask for the freedom to create new dishes as I see fit."

The King's eyes sparkled with approval at Serena's request. "Freedom to create, you say? Very well," he said, nodding thoughtfully. "Consider it granted. From this day forth, you shall have the liberty to experiment and innovate in the kitchen as you wish."

A sense of gratitude and excitement washed over Serena as she received the King's blessing. She knew that with this newfound freedom, she would be able to unleash her creativity and continue to pursue her passion for cooking to the fullest. And as she stood before the Royal Family, she felt a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment.

After receiving the King's blessing, Serena bowed respectfully once more before gracefully excusing herself from the presence of the Royal Family. With measured steps, she navigated the dining hall.

As Serena departed the dining hall, the King watched her with a smile of admiration. "She's truly talented and filled with passion. It's rare to see someone like her," he remarked to the assembled members of the Royal Family.

Prince Oliver, still captivated by Serena's presence, nodded in agreement, his heart swelling with pride for the woman he admired. "Indeed, father. Serena's talent knows no bounds," he said, his voice tinged with genuine admiration.

Prince Victor, ever the curious observer, couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue and admiration for Serena's talent. "She possesses a rare combination of skill and passion," he remarked, his tone reflecting his interest in her.

Prince Ethan, found himself in silent agreement with the King's praise. "She truly is exceptional," he thought to himself.

As the rest of the Royal Family members voiced their unanimous agreement with the King's sentiment, Serena's departure left a lingering sense of awe and admiration in the air. It was clear to all who witnessed her presence that she was destined for greatness in the palace kitchen.

As Serena reached the kitchen accompanied by the King's attendant, a hush fell over the bustling space. The attendant stepped forward, announcing the King's decree granting Serena the freedom to create and innovate in the kitchen as she wished. In response, everyone bowed in acceptance of the King's command, acknowledging Serena's newfound authority.

Approaching Serena with a warm smile, the middle aged lady, named Edith, praised her accomplishment. "Well done, Serena. You were able to impress the King himself with your sweet dish. It's clear that you are truly talented," she commented, her eyes twinkling with pride. "Just keep this passion alive and follow your dreams," she added, her words filled with encouragement.

Serena felt a swell of pride at Edith's praise, grateful for the recognition of her hard work. As her colleagues in the kitchen offered their congratulations, Serena couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment wash over her.

After completing her tasks for the day, Serena made her way back to the shared room for the female staff of the kitchen, her mind still abuzz with the events of the day. As she walked through the corridors, lost in her thoughts, she suddenly felt a hand grab hers, causing her to startle in surprise.

Instinctively preparing to defend herself, Serena relaxed when she realized it was Prince Victor standing before her. Greeting him with a polite nod, she inquired, "Prince Victor, why did you pull me?"

Prince Victor's expression was a mix of curiosity and concern as he questioned Serena about her recent endeavors. "When did you arrive here? Why didn't you inform me of your aspirations to become a chef in the palace when we last met? I could have assisted you, sparing you the recruitment process. And even after arriving here over a week ago, you still didn't mention it," he queried, his tone gentle yet insistent. "I have so many questions for you Serena."

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