Chapter 10 - Whispers in the Market

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Nestled on the outskirts of the bustling capital city, A home sits amidst a picturesque landscape where the whispering pines of the nearby forest sway in harmony with the gentle breeze.

Serena paced back and forth within her room, her thoughts consumed by Lily's words echoing in her mind, casting a shadow of doubt over her recent encounter with 4th Prince Victor. As she contemplated the implications of the rumors, Serena found herself torn between the desire for safety and the need to continue her daily routines.

"Perhaps Lily is right," Serena thought to herself. "Maybe it would be wise to stay home for a few days until these rumors die down." She weighed her options but soon realized that explaining her sudden absence in work to her uncle would pose a challenge.

In her quest for an excuse, Serena's mind buzzed with various ideas, each fleeting through her consciousness as she sought a plausible explanation for her absence in work. After careful consideration, she settled on a simple yet effective solution - illness. "Yes," she mused to herself, "if I tell Uncle that I'm not feeling well, he'll understand."

However, a new dilemma quickly emerged, sending ripples of anxiety through Serena's thoughts. She couldn't shake the image of her uncle's daily trips to the city market to sell fish. Though he was a man of few words, Serena fretted over the possibility that he might overhear gossip regarding the 4th Prince and a mysterious young woman. Remembering how people avoided looking her way during the prince's presence, Serena wondered about the likelihood of her name being mentioned. "Did anyone hear my name when the Prince asked for it?" she pondered anxiously. Despite Lily's help in avoiding curious glances after the prince left, Serena couldn't shake the feeling of uncertainty.

Serena realized the urgency of convincing her uncle to stay home alongside her. She calculated that she could persuade him to forgo his market visits for at most three days, under the guise of her illness and the need for his care. With a tinge of hope, she clung to the belief that this brief respite would be enough for the rumors surrounding her encounter with the prince to fade into obscurity.

Just as she lay down on her bed, her uncle called out her name from outside the house. Startled, she quickly pulled the blanket over herself, feigning illness. When her uncle received no response, he grew concerned and approached her room.

A gentle knock on the door preceded his voice. "Serena," he called, "are you okay?"
In response, Serena feigned weakness and mustered a sickly voice. "Uncle," she croaked, "I'm not feeling well today."

As Serena's uncle entered her room with a concerned expression, she mustered a weak smile, hoping to sell her illness convincingly. Her uncle's brow furrowed with worry as he approached her bedside. "Not feeling well, my dear?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. "What's wrong?"

Serena feigned weakness, her acting skills put to the test. "I have a fever, and I'm feeling weak," she replied, her tone labored.

Her uncle's eyes softened with understanding. "Your health is more important. Just rest today, and I'll take care of everything," he reassured her

Serena nodded gratefully, inwardly relieved that her plan was working so far. "Thank you, Uncle," she murmured, sinking further into her blankets.

As her uncle left the room to tend to his duties, Serena couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and anxiety. The first step of her plan was successful, but now she needed to convince him to stay home alongside her for the next few days. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to try.

Later, as Serena's uncle returned to check on her condition, she mustered her courage and said, "Uncle, I don't want to be alone today. Could you please stay home with me?"

Her uncle hesitated, clearly torn between his responsibilities and his concern for Serena. After a moment of deliberation, he relented, a sigh escaping his lips. "Alright, Serena," he said, his expression softening. "I'll stay home today."

Serena smiled gratefully, relieved that her uncle had agreed to her request.

Meanwhile in the capital rumors began to circulate throughout the capital about 4th Prince Victor's peculiar actions, the bustling streets buzzed with gossip. Whispers of his unexpected encounter with a mysterious girl spread like wildfire through the market, capturing the attention of passersby and merchants alike.

Among those who heard the murmurs was 5th Prince Ethan, strolling through the market with a casual air. As the gossip reached his ears, a playful smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "So, that's the reason for your recent defeat," he chuckled to himself, acknowledging the playful bet between friends.

Just then, Lucas, his close friend and fellow enthusiast of the arts, joined Prince Ethan. "Have you heard what people are saying in the market?", Lucas asked. Prince Ethan nodded and replied, "Yes, but let's not dwell on that. We're here for a specific purpose today." Both 5th Prince Ethan and Lucas shared a passion for art, and they had heard that a particular shop in the market was showcasing a magnificent painting. This was the reason they had ventured to the market that day.

The two young men headed towards the shop, leaving behind the rumors about the 4th Prince Victor, and began their exploration of the artistic treasures the market had to offer.

2nd Prince Oliver, on the other hand, felt a growing sense of unease and frustration as he learned about the chatter in the bustling market. The rumors about his younger brother, 4th Prince Victor's peculiar behavior, had reached his ears, and it left him perturbed.

With a furrowed brow, 2nd Prince Oliver couldn't help but wonder about the implications of these rumors. He had become increasingly concerned about the possible consequences of 4th Prince Victor's actions on Serena. The city was a place of both intrigue and danger, and he didn't want anyone, especially not an innocent citizen, to become entangled in the complexities of royal affairs.

His thoughts swirled as he contemplated the best course of action to protect the girl and ensure that no harm befell her due to her accidental encounter with his brother.

2nd Prince Oliver then sighed in relief, realizing that it was fortunate that no one seemed to know that it was also Serena who had come to his aid in the forest. Keeping her involvement hidden was essential to protect her from any unwanted attention or potential dangers that could arise from her connection to the royal family. His sense of responsibility for her safety deepened, and he resolved to find a way to ensure she remained unaffected by the intrigue and politics of the palace.

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