Chapter 58 - Searching for Solutions

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Three days had passed since Serena's unsuccessful chase with the shadowy figure, and its presence was still looming over her. In the stillness of the night, as she lay in bed, she couldn't shake the sensation of its watchful gaze fixed upon her. Each step of her morning commute to work was accompanied by the unsettling feeling of being followed. And even upon her return home in the evening, the eerie presence persisted, though she could discern no tangible form.

Yet, despite her vigilance, she could see no one. It seemed as though the shadowy figure had grown even more cautious since their encounter three days prior, evading Serena's attempts to confront it directly. Serena felt uneasy; she knew she could defeat the mysterious figure if it confronted her directly, but it remained elusive.

In the evening, as Serena returned from her duties, she made her way to Aviva's side, her expression weighed down by uneasiness and uncertainty. "Someone has been following me for four days," she confessed, her voice tinged with apprehension.

Concern etched across Aviva's face as she inquired, "Have you seen anyone?" Her voice dripped with worry.

Serena proceeded to recount all the unsettling incidents, including her encounter with the mysterious figure. Aviva's eyes widened as if a puzzle piece had finally clicked into place. "Oh, that's why you've seemed so troubled lately," she murmured, a glimmer of understanding illuminating her gaze. "But why didn't you tell anyone sooner?" she pressed.

"At first, I thought it might be a thief," Serena explained, her tone troubled. "But when it became clear that they weren't after anything tangible, only following and watching me, my unease deepened. The intensity of their presence and their evident skill suggest someone with a mysterious background."

Aviva pondered for a moment, her brow furrowed in deep thought. "Who could it be, and what could possibly be their motive for shadowing you like this? You come from a humble background, Serena," she said, concern coloring her voice.

Serena's own thoughts mirrored Aviva's uncertainty. "That's what's puzzling me as well," she admitted, her voice heavy with frustration. "Should I report this to the palace security?" she wondered aloud. "But would they even believe me? I have no evidence, and the figure hasn't harmed me or taken anything from me. Moreover, for the past three days, I haven't even caught sight of it-I can only feel its presence. No one would believe me," she concluded with a sigh, resigned to the daunting reality of her situation.

Aviva expressed her distress, saying, "This situation, Serena, it's truly troubling. I wish I could offer assistance, but alas, I'm just a feeble servant. I lack any combat skills to defend myself, let alone aid you." Regret and self-doubt clouded her expression.

Serena responded with empathy, stating, "Your willingness to help means a great deal, Aviva." She then settled onto her bed, her tone solemn as she remarked, "Even with my expertise in martial arts, confronting that enigmatic figure would not be easy. It seems improbable that even you could provide assistance."

Serena's mind wandered to Prince Ethan, who had promised to visit her but left the palace without a word, leaving her in the dark. She pondered how his presence could have provided an opportunity to seek his aid.

As she contemplated her options, the idea of approaching Kai surfaced, yet the strict regulations of the guard training ground made it nearly impossible for unauthorized individuals to gain entry.

Then, another name emerged in her thoughts: Adam. "Perhaps I should seek his assistance," she mused. "After all, he holds the position of commander of the palace guard and is the most suitable person to turn to in this predicament."

Meanwhile in the outpost, Prince Victor sat in his chamber, his mind entrenched in the intricate pathways of sovereign routes, each line on the map a potential solution waiting to be discovered. The silence enveloped him like a cocoon, shielding him from the outside world as he delved deeper into his thoughts.

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