Chapter 19 - The Weight Of Duty

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As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Serena's home, she and her family continued to revel in the joyous atmosphere. Laughter echoed through the air as they shared stories and savored the delicious meal prepared by Serena.

However, in stark contrast to Serena's happiness. Prince Oliver sat in his chamber, surrounded by the oppressive silence of the palace walls. As he sifted through the endless documents strewn across his desk, his mind wandered, inevitably landing on Serena.

His heart ached with a longing he couldn't quite comprehend. "Another evening alone in this chamber," he sighed, the weight of loneliness heavy upon him.

His mind drifted back to his childhood, a time filled with longing and isolation. He remembered the days when he would watch his younger siblings play together, longing to join them but always held back by the restrictions imposed upon him. His life had felt dull and monotonous, devoid of the simple joys that others took for granted.

"Nothing has changed much." He said with sadness in his eyes. "And I thought nothing will change, but then, like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, you entered my life. Your kindness and warmth had illuminated my world, bringing light to the darkness that had surrounded me for so long."

"Why do I keep thinking about her?" he mused aloud, the image of Serena's warm smile etched in his mind.

"Is it because of your response to learning about my health condition, Instead of pitying me, you offered me unwavering encouragement and support, emphasizing that it was my personality that truly mattered. Your words had resonated deeply with me, offering me a newfound sense of confidence and self worth." He thought.

A voice, soft yet insistent, echoed in the depths of his consciousness. "Serena..."

He couldn't shake the memory of her kindness, her understanding. "Because Serena you're different. You understand me." He said to himself.

Despite the warning bells ringing in his mind, Prince Oliver couldn't help but ponder the significance of Serena's presence in his life.

"But I can't.... I shouldn't.." he protested, the walls of duty and responsibility closing in around him.

"But Feelings aren't bound by 'should' or 'shouldn't'. I feel what I feel...right? ," He asked himself, urging himself to acknowledge the truth of his emotions.

"I've never felt this way before," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper, the admission weighing heavily upon his heart.

But fear still lingered in the depths of his soul. "But she's... she's..." he trailed off, unable to voice his deepest fears.

"She's everything I've been missing. I shouldn't let fear hold me back," He reminds himself the light Serena had brought into his life.

"But What if she doesn't feel the same way?" he wondered aloud, the fear of rejection gnawing at his resolve.

"But I'll never know unless I try," In the flickering light of the candle, Prince Oliver found a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of his doubts.

"Maybe... maybe it's worth the risk," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the dancing flames. With each flicker, he felt a surge of determination, a resolve to seize the opportunity before him.

Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself against the lingering fear and uncertainty. "I must follow my heart," he affirmed, the warmth of the candle casting a newfound clarity upon his path.

Love, Thrones, and Past Intrigue: A Fantasy AdventureМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя