Chapter 8 - Royal Wagers and Hidden Desires

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The chamber crackled with unspoken queries, each companion grappling with their thoughts, wondering what tumultuous emotions had gripped the 4th Prince Victor. Uncertainty filled the room as Adam, Lucas, and Prince Ethan exchanged meaningful glances, attempting to convey their shared curiosity without provoking the Prince Victor.

Adam, known for his astute military acumen as the son of the kingdom's esteemed general, sensed the group's unspoken desire for answers.

It was not just Lucas but also 5th Prince Ethan who hesitated to take the lead and ask questions of Prince Victor. Instead, Prince Ethan, through a subtle exchange of eye gestures, conveyed to Adam that he should step forward and be the one to navigate this enigmatic situation.

Adam, understanding Prince Ethan's silent request, prepared himself to take on the role of the group's strategist and initiate the conversation with Prince Victor.

Adam leaned forward slightly, his voice carried both intrigue and uncertainty as he posed the question that lingered in the room like a closely guarded secret: "What transpired today?" His words bore the weight of their shared intrigue as he continued, "What led to you losing the bet?"

Prince Victor met Adam's gaze, his own eyes reflective and filled with introspection. Silence draped the chamber for a moment, as if both inquirer and subject sought answers to the enigmatic events of the day.

Inside his mind, Prince Victor asked himself, "What happened today?" His thoughts swirled like a tempest, grasping at the elusive memories of the day.

Prince Victor's lips formed an uncharacteristic smile, casting a veil of intrigue over the room, leaving his friends and brother perplexed. Earlier that evening, they had made a bet, and now, despite losing, Prince Victor's smile remained, hinting at a hidden truth yet to be revealed.

As Adam, Lucas, and Prince Ethan exchanged bewildered glances, the air crackled with anticipation, awaiting Prince Victor's response, his confidence from earlier now juxtaposed with his enigmatic expression.


In the evening

The meeting in Prince Victor's room had begun with a rather mundane discussion of pressing official matters. The four of them-Prince Victor, his younger brother Prince Ethan, and their friends Adam and Lucas-sat in a circle, their faces a mix of boredom and concentration. The large windows framed the setting sun, casting a warm, golden glow over the room.

Prince Ethan's keen eyes roved the room, searching for a distraction. They settled on a vibrant parrot confined within a cage near the window. Its plumage, a dazzling array of greens and blues, shimmered in the fading light.

"Look at that magnificent bird," Prince Ethan remarked, his voice cutting through the monotonous drone. Rising from his seat, he approached the cage, his fingers gently wrapping around the iron bars.

"Quite a beauty," Lucas murmured.

Prince Ethan, with a longing in his voice, said, "Why should such a creature be confined? I'll free it." His fingers extended to open the cage.

Prince Victor, who had been watching with a smoldering expression, did not look pleased. With his characteristic intensity, he leaned forward, his eyes locked on Prince Ethan. "Wait a moment," he commanded, stopping Prince Ethan from opening the cage. He thought for a moment and said, "I'll make a wager with you, Ethan."

Prince Ethan turned, intrigued but cautious. "Oh? And what would that be?"

Prince Victor stood, his presence dominating the room. "I bet you that even if the parrot is set free, I can recapture it and return it to this room before twilight casts its complete darkness." His voice was firm, brooking no argument. "I don't lose what belongs to me."

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