Chapter 62 - Legacy Of Queen Amara

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Serena lay sprawled across her bed, her thoughts a tempest raging within her mind. Each revelation from Rei added another layer of confusion to the labyrinth of her thoughts. Like a sailor lost at sea, she found herself adrift in a tumultuous ocean of unanswered questions. The weight of uncertainty bore down on her like an anchor dragging her into the depths.

"Who exactly was my mother?" she mused aloud, her voice barely above a whisper, lost in the vast expanse of her room. "If only I knew her story... But my uncle, he's been a closed book about my parents. I wonder if he knows about my mother's past with these people." Her lips pressed into a thin line as she pondered, a silent lament for the secrets kept hidden from her.

"Even if he did, he wouldn't have told me. He and Aaron have guarded too many secrets from me over the years." With a heavy sigh, she closed her eyes, the weight of her thoughts pressing in like an unseen force, enveloping her in a cloak of introspection.

A soft tap on her door interrupted her tumultuous thoughts, and with a resigned sigh, she reluctantly pushed herself up to answer it. As the door creaked open, she found herself face to face with Alexander, his expression stoic and composed.

"Is everything alright?" Alexander's voice carried a hint of concern, tempered by the formality. "Why did you suddenly leave your duties?"

Serena's guilt deepened at the reminder of her abrupt departure from work. "I had personal matters to attend to," she confessed, her tone subdued. "I apologize for not informing you earlier, but I did inform Madam Edith to assign another chef for Prince Oliver today. I hope that arrangement suffices."

Alexander's response was firm but not unkind. "No, Serena," he replied. "As you are aware, Prince Oliver insists on only consuming meals prepared by you. Your absence from your duties is not acceptable."

Internally, Alexander's thoughts churned with concern for the prince. He knew all too well the importance of Serena's role in Prince Oliver's life. It was her culinary creations that had coaxed the prince to eat once more, a small victory in the ongoing battle to restore his well-being.

Serena bristled at Alexander's words, her defenses rising. "But-" she began, only to falter as doubt crept into her mind. With a sudden realization, she paused, her words hanging in the air. "Is there something more, Alexander? Something you're not telling me?" Her voice was tentative, uncertain, as she searched his impassive face for answers.

Alexander hesitated, his gaze flickering with uncertainty before he finally made the decision to disclose the truth to Serena. "I believe you deserve to know the full extent of the situation," he began, his voice steady despite the weight of his words. "It's crucial for you to understand why your role in cooking for Prince Oliver is more vital now than ever."

Serena's eyes widened with anticipation as she nodded, silently urging Alexander to continue.

Taking a deep breath, Alexander recounted the events of the past few days. "A few days ago, Prince Oliver was punished by the king and placed under house arrest," he explained solemnly. "The prince was devastated, consumed by sorrow to the point where he couldn't even muster the appetite to eat."

He paused, allowing Serena to absorb the gravity of the situation before continuing. "It was only when I arranged for you to cook his meals that he began to eat again," Alexander admitted, his tone tinged with a mixture of relief and concern.

Serena's concern for Prince Oliver deepened, her heart heavy with empathy for his plight. "Is Prince Oliver alright?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine concern. "And is there any way I can see him?"

Alexander met her gaze with a somber expression, his own worry evident. "Physically, he's fine," he reassured her. "But emotionally, he's struggling. As for meeting him, I'm afraid that won't be possible while he's under house arrest."

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