Chapter 74 - Serena's Sleepkeeper

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As Augustus traversed the tranquil evening, dusk's gentle hues bestowed an otherworldly glow upon the pathway, casting elongated shadows that swayed with the village's serene rhythm. As he neared Serena's abode, the silhouette of Rei against the dimming light caught his eye.

Rei's expression mirrored the surprise flickering in her eyes upon witnessing Augustus carrying Serena on his back. A silent query lingered in the air, etched in the lines of her concerned features. Responding to her unspoken inquiry, Augustus placed a finger to his lips and shook his head, a quiet plea urging Rei to safeguard Serena's precious sleep.

With a nod of understanding, Rei gracefully stepped aside, allowing Augustus to proceed without interruption. His heart swelled with gratitude for her cooperation, knowing that preserving Serena's rest was paramount. In the stillness of the evening, their unspoken accord spoke volumes about their deep bond.

Approaching Serena's door, Augustus paused, his hand tracing the weathered surface, each grain a testament to the passage of time. With a breath held steady, he pushed the door open, its aged hinges emitting a soft protest that whispered through the evening air.

As the door yielded to his touch, Augustus stole a glance over his shoulder, ensuring Serena's undisturbed repose on his back. With utmost care, he maneuvered through the threshold, each step deliberate, a silent promise to protect Serena's tranquil slumber.

Entering the room, Augustus moved with fluid grace, his eyes adjusting to the soft light filtering through the window. The room was cloaked in a gentle glow, bathing Serena's sleeping form in a warm embrace. With each step closer to her bedside, he felt a reverence swell within him, a fervent desire to safeguard her peace.

Approaching Serena's bed, Augustus carefully leaned forward, allowing Serena to slide gently from his back onto the bed. With a steadying hand, he ensured her descent was slow and controlled, minimizing any disturbance to her slumber. Once Serena was settled on the bed, Augustus tucked the blankets around her with delicate precision, ensuring she remained snug and comfortable.

With Serena now cocooned in the embrace of her dreams, Augustus stood vigil by her bedside for a moment, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched over her. After a moment of silent contemplation, he cast a glance towards Rei standing outside the door.

Stepping outside, Augustus closed the door behind him with a gentle click, ensuring that Serena's rest remained undisturbed. Rei's concerned gaze met his as she began to voice her question. "Why is she...."

Before Rei could fully articulate her query, Augustus gently raised a finger to his lips, a silent gesture imploring her to maintain discretion, "shh...keep your voice low" he whispered, his tone tender yet firm, his tone imbued with care.

Rei nodded in understanding, her voice softening to a barely audible whisper as she continued her inquiry. "Why was she on your back? Is she injured or anything?" she asked, her concern evident in the gentle furrow of her brow.

"No," Augustus murmured in reply, his voice barely above a whisper, "she was simply tired, so I carried her here." His words were like a gentle breeze, carrying reassurance and warmth to dispel any lingering worries.

Rei's inquiry cut through the air, her voice filled with curiosity. "Did you manage to show her the entire village?" she asked, her eyes searching Augustus's face for answers.

Augustus shook his head, a soft sigh escaping his lips. "Not all of it," he confessed. "Serena grew weary, so we decided to return."

Rei nodded in understanding, then revealed the reason for her visit. "I actually came here because the elders wanted to have dinner with her. I was sent to invite her."

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