Chapter 58 - The Queen's Commands

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In the dim glow of twilight, Prince Ethan found himself drawn once more to the painting. With a tender touch, he lifted it from its perch, the canvas a portal to a world where his desires were not bound by duty. "Perhaps this time, fortune will smile upon me and grant me the chance to share this with Serena," he whispered, his voice a fragile hope in the quiet room.

As Prince Ethan approached the door, anticipation quickening his steps, he reached out eagerly for the handle. But before his hand could grasp it, a sharp knock interrupted his movement, and Simon's voice called from the other side. "Your highness, the Queen's messenger is here. Her Majesty wishes to see you," came the prompt, breaking the stillness of the room.

Prince Ethan's frustration, like a storm brewing within him, threatened to engulf him. "First Lucas, then my father, then Sophia, then Alexander, and now mother," he lamented, the burden of obligation pressing down upon him like a leaden cloak. With a rueful glance heavenward, he addressed the unseen forces that seemed to conspire against him. "Oh, divine providence, when I dared to wonder if matters could worsen, I never imagined you would take it as a challenge."

As Simon awaited a response from inside, he repeated with urgency, "Your highness, the queen is summoning you."

Inside, Prince Ethan's mind churned with frustration and longing. "Just a simple wish—to meet Serena, oh God," he lamented, the artwork in his hand a poignant symbol of his unfulfilled aspiration. "Two days gone, yet every attempt thwarted by interruption."

Standing poised at the door, Prince Ethan responded, "Yes, I am coming." With a yearning glint in his eyes, he paused for a moment, before retracing his steps and carefully returning the painting to its place on the table. With a wistful glance, he silently vowed to return to its beauty later. Then, with purposeful strides, he followed the Queen's messenger, leaving behind the echoes of his unspoken desires in the quiet sanctuary of his chamber.

Meanwhile, As Serena made her way to her room, her thoughts swirled with the memory of the elusive shadowy figure she had glimpsed from her window for the past two nights. Contemplating whom to confide in, she recalled Prince Victor's gesture of offering solace through a token. Yet, her hopes dimmed as she remembered his absence from the palace, his return delayed by nearly a month. Turning her thoughts to Prince Oliver, she hesitated, knowing he was embroiled in his own struggles.

Lost in her thoughts, Serena's senses sharpened as she detected a presence trailing behind her. Could it be the mysterious figure from her window? With a surge of courage, she pivoted, confirming her suspicions as she glimpsed a shadowy figure cloaked in black, skulking nearby. Determined to uncover the truth, she gave chase, her resolve unwavering even as the figure darted through winding paths in an attempt to evade her.

As the shadowy figure sprinted across the dark grounds of the palace, her thoughts raced with caution and strategy. "She's remarkably fast, but revealing my identity now would jeopardize everything. I must bide my time and learn more before sharing the secrets," the figure mused silently. Determined to maintain anonymity, the shadowy figure plotted her next move. "Heading towards a place with more guards will heighten the risk, but as the saying goes, the more dangerous it is, the safer it is," the figure reasoned.

With swift, silent steps, the shadowy figure veered towards the heavily guarded area, figure's heart pounding with the thrill of the chase. As it disappeared into the shadows of heightened security, Serena's relentless pursuit faltered, thwarted by the mysterious figure's speed and cunningness. Instead, her attention was drawn to a familiar voice resonating from nearby. "Serena," he called. It was Prince Ethan, who was on his way towards the Queen's residence.

Serena turned towards the sound of Prince Ethan's voice, finding him standing before her with two guards in tow. "Why are you here, Serena? This area is restricted to those with explicit permission; unauthorized individuals are not permitted." His question was laced with genuine curiosity and worry.

Love, Thrones, and Past Intrigue: A Reverse Harem AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang