Chapter 18: Elmenhilde Karnstein (1)

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Chapter 18: Elmenhilde Karnstein (1)

"Great Sage, has there been any noteworthy development?"

Great Sage could remotely control all four laboratories even if we were in a different dimension, and in my absence, it continued research on various things based on my orders.

However, thanks to that, Great Sage couldn't use all of its calculative power all the time.

So, while keeping the bare minimum amount required in day-to-day life, Great Sage dedicated most of its calculative power to research.

The last time I came to the [Darkness Magic Research Laboratory] was around two months ago, so there were a lot of things that needed to be addressed.

The one who primarily used this facility was Great Sage. The facility I used was for things other than researching Darkness Magic.

[Answer. Please move towards test subject number 13.]

"Number thirteen..."

The glass container marked '13' contained a female vampire, most likely from the Tepes Faction.

And although the Vampire in question was a Pure Blooded Vampire, she was, like most of the waste of spaces here, a Low-Class.

I couldn't get my hands on a Noble Pure Blooded Vampire as they rarely left their residence, so this was the second best option.

As for the Dhampirs stored here, they all belonged to the Carmilla Faction. The Tepes Faction kept all their Dhampirs in a separate castle, and simply barging in wasn't possible.

It was no wonder that the Carmilla Faction started exerting so much effort to capture the culprit after losing many of their servants.

Managing with only this many subjects was troublesome, but well, life was all about compromises.

'I hope Elmenhilde can help solve this problem. It'd waste my time otherwise...'

The rest of the test subjects collected were in different laboratories, categorised according to their uses.

"So, what's up with this one?"

[Answer. The ability to store things inside shadows was discovered.]

"Hm? Use it."

[Answer. Activating 'Life Force Conversion' on test subject number thirteen.]

Darkness started to envelop the vampire's body, and soon, a hole only about ten centimetres in radius appeared on the ground.

Generally, Low-Class Vampires could only manipulate Darkness and Shadows, not create them. But with [Life Force Conversion], it was possible to take control of and force their Magic Power beyond its racial limit, pushing them to do things they shouldn't be able to in exchange for breaking both their body and soul.

A few seconds later, I summoned Arondight from my dimensional storage and slowly placed it inside the shadow—the blade first, followed by the hilt.

Arondight had a summoning spell placed on it, so losing it wasn't one of my concerns.

After all, it'd be embarrassing to lose my new gift inside a Low-Class Vampire's shadow.

"Close it."

At my order, the hole in the ground disappeared.


I couldn't feel Arondight's presence, not even a single bit.

"Alright, Great Sage, bring it back."

[Answer. Understood.]

The hole made of Darkness reappeared, and moments later, Arondight's hilt came out of it.

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