Chapter 48:

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-Sadie, where are you? I was just got called by the hospital because you're not there., asked Grace with worry in her voice.

-Hi, Grace. I...I found Jenna. I'm with Jenna., confessed Sadie as she looked at Jenna.

She could tell that Jenna was still unsure of this decision but she also knew how tiring it could be to constantly be alone. She heard Grace gasp a little.

-You- Is she alive?, asked the foster parent.

-Yes. She's safe., nodded Sadie, smiling a little as to comfort Jenna from the nervousness as the brunette watched her expressions.

-Thank god. Okay. I will call Lilia's father-, started Grace.

-No! No. No cops. I made a deal with Jenna. No cops, Grace. Please., pleaded Sadie.

-What? Why not?, questioned Grace as the redhead could recognize the confusion in her tone.

-I will explain everything to you. I promise. But for now, please don't call the cops. Don't tell anyone about this. I just...She needs a place to stay. It's getting cold out here and she needs a roof over her head., said Sadie, hesitant to ask her directly what it is she needed.

-She can stay with us. Of course she can. Where are you?, asked Grace as she grabbed her keys.

-Meet us in front of my old house. Is that okay?, asked the redhead, not wanting to push it with the favors.

-Of course, honey. I will be there in 10., replied the foster mother.

-Thank you. Truly., thanked Sadie with a smile.

-I got you. I'm glad you called me and trusted me with this., said Grace.

-Thank you for being trustworthy., added the redhead.

-I'll be there in 10. Goodbye, Sadie., chuckled Grace as she then hung up.

Sadie focused back on Jenna and nodded.

-She will pick us up. We gotta get moving. Help me climb down?, asked Sadie with a light smile.

Jenna got up and nodded, taking Sadie's hand.

-I'll go down first and then I'll guide you slowly., replied Jenna as she then let go of her hand and started climbing down the ladder after throwing a backpack down.

She climbed down slowly as she watched Sadie follow her. Once she was off the ladder, she placed her hands on Sadie's hips, holding her gently so she doesn't apply too much pressure on her injured leg.

-Thank you., smiled Sadie as she looked down at her friend.

-Of course., replied Jenna as she returned the smile.

Jenna grabbed her backpack and then looked at Sadie. The redhead took a step but groaned, so Jenna stepped closer to her.

-Lean on me. I know, I know, I'm small. But you can still lean on me., said Jenna, rolling her head when she saw Sadie open her mouth to say something but she knew her too well.

Sadie chuckled and nodded, wrapping her arm around Jenna's shoulder, leaning on her. They then walked together, up to her house's garden and then to the street. By the time they reached the street, Sadie could already see Grace's car. She made her way up to it with Jenna, watching as her friend opened the car's door for her and helped her in. Jenna then sat down next to Sadie, sitting there in silence. She could feel Grace's eyes on her.

-Hi. I'm Grace. I'm Sadie's foster parent., smiled Grace as she turned around to look at Jenna.

-I'm Jenna. It's uhm, nice to meet you., replied Jenna, still hesitant.

For love is the best of healers // +Sillie+Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin