chapter 7:

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Sadie felt something touching her neck and slowly opened her eyes. She was closer to Millie than she remembered being, but the brunette still had her arms around her. The younger was subconsciously rubbing Sadie's back of the neck softly. She sighed and pulled away from Millie. She looked up, seeing that the girl was still sleeping. She then turned around to look at the clock. It was 6:24am. They had to get up in 6 minutes. Suddenly, Millie stretched her arms, hitting Sadie's head.

-Ouch., said Sadie jokingly.

Millie had a realization, opening her eyes, seeing the older girl rubbing her head.

-Oh my god, I am so sorry. Did I hurt you? I didn't mean to-, tried Millie.

Sadie smiled lightly and shook her head. That's when Millie realized that she was just mocking her and that she hadn't hurt her, so she pushed Sadie playfully. The older girl, who didn't expect it, fell off the bed and groaned.

-You're mean. Hitting me twice in less than a minute., complained Sadie laying on the floor but not moving.

-Oh you poor thing., replied Millie sitting up.

Sadie got up, then sat on her bed next to Millie.

-You slept alright?, asked Millie.

-Yeah. I haven't had so much sleep for months., admitted the older teenager.

Millie nodded, knowing what it's like to have sleepless nights.

-We should get ready. And not a word about this to my mom. I literally broke all the rules that she gave me., chuckled Millie.

-What rules?, asked the older girl.

-Doesn't matter. Let's just get ready. The policeman will be here in 31 minutes, and my bus in 34 minutes. Let's get moving., said the younger teenager, clearly avoiding the question.

Sadie nodded and got up, grabbing her outfit that she had chosen the day before. Millie in the other hand grabbed her phone checking her messages. Her eyes went wide, and she put the phone down immediately. Sadie, who was done changing, turned around noticing that something was wrong.

-Everything ok?, she asked.

-Yes! Yes. Everything good., said the girl rapidly.

-You know, the one thing I hate the most is when people lie to me., explained Sadie closing the closet with her foot and walking up to Millie.

-All good, Sadie., said Millie avoiding her gaze.

-You know you can tell me anything, right? I'd never judge you or hurt you., explained the girl calmly.

-Yeah, but it''s fine., replied Millie.

-Was it your ex-best friend?, asked Sadie not giving up.

-Sadi-, tried the younger girl.

-I just want to help. Listen, you're going to be stuck with me for the next few months as a foster sister, so we might as well start trying to act like sisters, no? I mean, last night...last night was the first time in a long time that I actually let my guard down. So just talk to me. You can trust me., replied the other teenager.

Millie sighed, noticing how stubborn Sadie was and grabbed her phone. She unlocked it and showed Sadie a video. Sadie clearly recognized Millie, who was kissing another person. A girl. Sadie stopped the video, looked at who sent her that.

-He didn't record that. He's asking if it's real. I know who recorded it, but I don't have proof and now she posted it and now all the people I know will see it and I'm not out to anyone yet and I don' know what to do. There's nothing I can do. And my brother will probably see it and show it to my mother and god, why did she kiss me., rambled Millie.

Sadie didn't say a word, lost in her thoughts, which Millie noticed.

-You think it's a sin, don't you? That I'm disgusting., asked Millie looking down at her own lap fidgeting with her hands.

Sadie looked up to her with soft eyes.

-No. I don't. I think it's beautiful., replied Sadie nonchalantly.

-Beautiful?, asked Millie obviously confused about the statement.

-Yes. I think it's beautiful that you love who you love, and you didn't let those brainless girls stop you from doing so. Love is love. I don't care who you love. I don't care where the person comes from, or what they look like or what gender they are, if you're happy and they treat you right., elaborated Sadie.

Millie looked back up meeting Sadie blue eyes.

-I don't love her. She just kissed me because she knew that I'm gay, but I don't like her like that. The only reason she kissed me is because I'm the only queer girl she knows so she thought that she should try., sighed the younger girl.

-You don't need to justify your actions to me Millie. All I care about is your safety and your happiness. Ok?, explained the older teenager.

-Thank you. God, I hope my mom won't see it. How can a person be so cruel and out me to the entire school? Shit, school. We need to get ready., realized Millie.

Sadie gave her the phone back and got up grabbing her backpack.

-I'll leave you to get dressed. I'm here if you need anything, okay?, asked Sadie.

-Yeah. Thank you, Sadess., answered Millie.

-Anytime, Mills., replied Sadie as she winked at her and walked out.

As Sadie walked through the hallway, she bumped into Sammy. The little boy looked at Sadie with curious eyes, but he didn't say a word. Sadie smiled, amused by his expression.

-You ok there buddy?, asked Sadie.

He nodded and ran in the opposite direction, which confused Sadie even more. Then someone cleared their throat behind her, so Sadie quickly turned around meeting Dave.

-I didn't do anything, he just ran away, I swear., she rambled.

-Hey, it's ok. He's a shy and quiet kid, don't take it to heart. He'll warm up, don't worry. You didn't do anything wrong, ok?, explained the man calmly with a smile.

-Okay. And uhm, I'm sorry about yesterday. I hope I didn't hurt you sir., replied Sadie.

-No, don't worry. I'm ok. Hey, you know what? Why don't you show Millie some defence technics, it could be useful? And don't call me sir., suggested Dave, ending with a chuckle.

-Uh yeah, sure., she shrugged, putting her hands in her pockets.

-Grace is waiting for you downstairs, I think she has something for you., explained the man.

-Alright. Thank you., she said walking away.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: ding dong lmao, hi and guess who's positive? haha. i already warned some of my friends cause i have covid jokes and puns ready for days xd

yes, covid is not a joke and i shouldn't joke about, but i rather laugh than cry about it. Gotta stay positive-

too early? 

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