chapter 20:

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Sadie had a soft smile and pecked her forehead. She realized what she did and got up from the bed, trying not to show the panic. Millie on the other hand was staring at the redhead, not having expected it.

-Goodnight, Millie., said Sadie, walking over to her own bed and laying down, not looking back.

-Uh yeah. Goodnight Sadie., nodded Millie, her eyes having followed Sadie.

Sadie prayed that Millie wouldn't tell Grace about it or else she could get in some serious trouble.

The next morning, the girls barely shared a word as Sadie had felt too vulnerable and awkward and Millie didn't know how to start a conversation without mentioned the way their last evening had ended. Sadie was now allowed to take the bus, since the judges had declared that she doesn't need an officer to keep an eye on her. She walked downstairs and greeted Sammy.

-Hey buddy. You ready for school?, asked the redhead, hoping he wouldn't be so shy anymore since they played the piano together.

-Am tired., replied the boy sleepily, his eyes still closed and clinging to his mother's leg.

Sadie chuckled and patted his head.

-You can sleep a bit on the bus, yeah?, suggested Sadie.

He shook his head and pouted.

-Not comfy., mumbled the boy.

-How about you sleep on my lap? Would that help?, smiled the redhead, earning a smile from Grace.

He opened one eye, looking up at Sadie and nodded.

-Okay bud, now go put your shoes on., smiled Grace as he finally let go of her and walked away.

Sadie looked down.

-I uhm...I'm sorry for all the problems I caused yesterday and by that, I mean the Corey thing and me fainting because of the bracelet when we went for a walk., apologized Sadie, sighing.

-Sadie, look at me., said Grace with a soft tone.

Sadie looked up, but still avoided direct eye contact with the woman.

-You have nothing to apologize for. Corey came after you, you didn't ask him to hurt you. And the bracelet is, and sorry for my language, it's pure bullshit. Yes, you should have a curfew, but you should not be suffering like that., sighed Grace as she kept searching for Sadie's gaze.'re not mad at me? I'm not...annoying or bothering you?, frowned the redhead as she finally locked eyes with the woman.

-No. Of course not. Why would you think that, honey?, wondered Grace, but at the same moment, Millie walked into the kitchen.

Sadie shrugged and grabbed her backpack.

-Don't know., she got up from the chair she was sitting on and left the kitchen, joining Sammy in the garage.

Grace frowned, finding that weird. She looked at her daughter, who was busy ignoring her mother, not wanting to have to talk about her issues.

-Did something happen with Sadie?, asked the mother.

-No., replied Millie, pretending to be on her phone.

-Are you sure? You two seemed closer when she first got here than now., admitted the mother.

The mother yet again gained a shrug and watched her daughter leave the room as well. She mentally noted that she should definitely talk to one of the girls about that.

Sadie heard footsteps and saw Millie walking in the garage. The redhead looked down, but got poked by Sammy. She looked at him.

-Can't tie my shoes. Can you?, asked the young chil, tilting his head lightly.

-Oh. Yes, yes., nodded Sadie as she knelt down and patted a spot on her knee.

Sammy got the hint and put his foot on Sadie's knee. She proceeded to tie his shoelaces.

-Tighter?, asked the girl as she was making the final knot.

-No. Perfect., smiled the boy, yet again showing his missing front teeth.

-Okay. Other one?, chuckled Sadie as the boy put his other foot on her knee.

Millie of course was watching the whole thing and she couldn't help but smile at what was happening. Big, tough and mysterious Sadie was tying Sammy's shoelaces.She felt warm inside and looked down, wanting to hide her smile. Sadie was done with laces, earning a quick hug from Sammy and then boy ran towards Grace, back in the kitchen.

Sadie sat down on a bench, putting her shoes on. She was joined by the younger brunette, who also grabbed her shoes.

-You know, he rarely hugs anyone. Especially strangers., said Millie.

-Is that what I am to you? A stranger?, asked Sadie, not looking up though.

Millie on the other hand, stopped what she was doing and looked up at the redhead.

-No, that's not what I meant. Sammy simply hasn't spent that much time with you, but he managed to get comfortable around you pretty quickly which is rare. That's what I meant., explained Millie rapidly, keeping her eyes on Sadie.

Sadie, who couldn't waste more time by tying her shoelaces because she was done, looked up at Millie, instantly regretting it.

-Then what am I to you?, asked the redhead, trying not to seem or sound as vulnerable as she was feeling at that moment.

Millie frowned lightly.

-Wh...What do you want me to answer? You're my''re my foster sister. That's what you are., replied Millie, shrugging.

-Yeah. I guess that's all I am., said Sadie, grabbing her backpack and walking away.

Millie was left alone in the garage, with her thoughts.

The bus was finally there and they got it. Just as promised, Sadie let Sammy sit on her lap, allowing him to sleep some more. Millie, who would usually sit next to Sammy in the morning, sighed and walked up to Sadie, sitting next to her and Sammy. Millie was just nervously sitting there, looking around the bus. Sadie knew what she was looking for...or more precisely who. Corey. The bus stopped in a small village and a skinny boy got in, along with Emma. Both girls immediately recognized him. Millie tensed up as the boy locked eyes with her. Sadie noticed it and coughed, having now earned Corey's attention. The boy clenched his jaw and sat down, a few rows in front of them. Sadie looked at Millie, but the brunette was busy fidgeting with her fingers and the laces from her hoodie. The redhead hesitated for a moment but then moved her hand to Millie's, taking it. Millie raised her eyebrows and looked up at Sadie. The redhead didn't have to say anything, her soft expression doing the talking for her. Millie sighed and nodded, knowing that Sadie would have her back.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A/N: we're slowly catching up with everything i had already written down. i had around 23k words and we're at 22k words in the book already. so patience for the next chapters!!!

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